Well-Known Member
Looks you'll be set for the winter... Hell, you'll be good for an entire year with those jars!.
And hey man, what the hell happened to riznoob? Its like he got lost in the woods or something... haha j/k He's probably just busy trimming.
Later man - bigtomatofarmer
it's a start huh? ha boy they sure smell good when I give 'em their little burp.
I need to put up some more I got hanging, these rainy days have slowed the dry time down. I have a small oscilatting fan to keep the air moving around the room. Smells good in there too.

Yeah, I'm sure riz is a busy man about now. Just getting that 10 Gigazillion Indoor grow going besides the world class guerilla grow. It must be demanding. When I was younger I'd start getting all paranoid and reclusive during harvest time. What was that? Did you hear anything? shhhh... listen