Man this summer sure has been dry. At least I've got a pretty good watering hole in the creek bed.
Sprayed neem on everything and watered with the MG half strength.
There was these fish that kept coming up to me while I was getting water. Ha
Anyway the ladies were looking good and needed water. I lost track of the trips but it was a pounds worth of MG used all up at 2.5 tbs per 5 gal water. That's were most people screw up using MG is by mixing it too strong.
So today I tried some supercropping on about a half dozen <thanks genfranco>. I accidentally broke the top right off of one, whoops. I should see about starting some more clones. I think all the first batch are ready. Didn't lose a single one of them.
I bet that male garden has burned completely up. I just haven't been able to check on it. Another hot day forecast, High today calling for 104f with heat index 105 to 110f. That's miserable folks.
Anyway thanks for checking out my grow and stay tuned for more adventures. There's always something interesting happening.
In closing, Here's some pretty ladies in waiting...