Slang words you just can't stand

lol, I didn't want to bring this one up because there are alot of people here from Norcal (I'm probably stereotyping and wrong, Socal here). No offense to Norcal, I just hate the word. And Hekka? I mean who makes something like that up? Some hardcore christian/mormon who doesn't like to use the word hell?

alicia silverstone made that word up..thats how valley girls talk not dudes..if i heard a dude say hekka i would think hes hekka gay lol but hella is ok but when u say it alot it gets fukin annoying
I cant stant when people use the work ax instead of ask. Its not hard to say, it's only 3 fucking letters. how lazy do you have to be to abbreviate a 3 letter word.
I cant stant when people use the work ax instead of ask. Its not hard to say, it's only 3 fucking letters. how lazy do you have to be to abbreviate a 3 letter word.

dude...that drives me nuts too lol.

these arent mj related slang terms but i HATE and i mean LOATHE WITH PASSION when girls use the word "obvi" instead of "obvious" or "whatevs" instead of "whatever" seriously? you cant just say the whole fuckin word? is it really that difficult? and i seriously dislike when people actually say "omg" in a verbal conversation instead of "oh my god" i can understand using these short forms when you're texting on a small numerical key pad. but if you are speaking verbally, you can say the goddamn word! :wall: im also getting a little tired of the phrase "i know right?" AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! :cuss:

edit to add...that i blame MTV. haha
i hate "hella". That's 'hella' cool bra. Speaking of bra i hate it too. I just hate everything. Even you, the person reading this.
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bra and kick it- i.e. me and my bra are going to kick it at my house.
and i don't know if this is a local thing but the whole jugalo "woo woo" call thing they do to each other.
I can't stand the cliche "It is what it is", or "you know what I'm sayin?" God, I really can't stand that one.
i cant stand the word twat. unless a britishman is saying it
Basically any word used in conversation on shows like 'the hills'
@ Chi, im a Brit by nationality, you twat! :D oj
Basically any word used in conversation on shows like 'the hills'
@ Chi, im a Brit by nationality, you twat! :D oj

lol ima get your pot of gold and ur lucky charms shamus o' toole:bigjoint:
I LIKE the slang terms: daddy-O, cuzzo, DANK, dirtlegs and chicken heads.

Mostly cause im from down south :D
i know this grower i buy my weed off, he keeps creatin his "personalized" strains, he uses weird names so wen i go collect i ask wot "food"(weed) it is, coz u need to tell people wot strain it is coz i was gtin big bits,anyways, i ask what food it is and he had the worst name ever"the shit", so im goin wot food is it and hes shoutin "its the shit" for like 5 minutes, after 5mins i say "oh you mean uve created anovr strain and to name it, you chose "the shit", he starts goin "yh man, i thought thats wot it is", so i say "when my lines are hot and people are askin me wot weed ive got, ive got to tell them ive got shit, are you fuckin mad" so we sit down blaze like 5 blunts and then we agree on a good name like most recently "blu widow, cheesy style" (white widow x blueberry x blu cheese), it woz the shit and now i feel enlightened:blsmoke::joint::weed::clap::-P:eyesmoke::bigjoint:
I hate:

dro (nobody uses it here thank god)

I like:


and a lot of the time after I roll a jay I say, "I believe it is time to enjoy a fine, marijuana cigarette" as a joke :)
In high school I hated it when people would say, "That bowl is CASHED, dude.", or "I CASHED that gram man!"