Slapped the shit out of my ole lady 2 nights ago

i really want to get this off my chest.
About 2 years ago, i caught her stealing from friends and family- doing METH.:fire:

Our son was a year old at the time. Come to find out , it had been going on for about 4-6 months. Well. I "laid down the law", and she got clean. :peace:

2 nights ago, I got the munchies, and if you want to use the microwave, you have to turn off the heater in the bedroom. I come popping in the bedroom to find her and her glass dick, cleaning the stem, with our son watching a movie, 4 feet away. She tries to sit on it , like i didnt see, but i come unglued, knowing exactly what i saw. Walk right up, reach under her, take it , while she pleads for me not to look. I tell her I want her out . :cuss:
I really love her and want to help her, not lose her to that shit. And i have faith. Just want her to know how serious i am.:shock:
Well, i take the pipe, put it in the sink. Smash the shit out of it with a pot which sends glass flying everywhere. I immediately ORDER her to clean up the dam mess- its hers to begin with. I head to the bedroom to see what else I might find. As i start to look around. She thinks im in there to pack her shit. She heads into the office and attempts to open the gun safe. Im there before she can blink. Block her from it. I think she had intended to shoot herself. But the 2nd time she tried to get past me , I lowered the boom, and slapped her , open handed, across the face. Knocking her down to the floor and into the closet door, knocking it off its hinges. Now, shes no small girl, and im no small guy. So, i know she still feels it.
Now, i just dont know what to do. Ive been honest and told her, Im sorry it happened, but im not sorry i did it.
Shes pretty much on lock down now. I take her to work and pick her up. She know that if i even think shes doing it, I have a test from Wallgreens, ready to test her just like last time. Dirty= shes gone.
I was from a single parent family(mother) and just wanted my boy to have both, especially his mother for god's sakes.
She says "No more, she'll stop, just started doing it again". But i dont know what to believe anymore.
After a year and a half since her last episode. I was finally starting to trust again. Now how long will it take ?

How long do i keep the faith ?
I guess until my heart starts agreeing with my brain:wall:

needles to say. Combo on Gun Safe has been changed.:lol:
that's great...your son got to experience drug use and domestic violence all in one night...:peace:

oh sorry... but i think u should take your son and start a new life with him.

how cools that daddy and son ! I mean it.. i mean, i would love my son over all. and something like that would make start a life with my boy... ! do things with him my father never did.

i mean, common... if she wants to have him back she will stop this shit. sorry u had to take such actions.... as for the pic I hope you could laugh a bit and not get offended ;)
I have never been in this type of situation. I would like to believe that if I was that I would take this opportunity to make some drastic changes, now. I would not wait for it to slip back into normalcy around the house. If you have insurance you need to find her a rehab center (live in) now. I mean like tonight, now...You give her the ultimatum and make it happen right then. Get out or get help. This is on her, she is sick and needs to get help, but, she really needs to know this needs to be done. Good luck.
Im in a fix here. im going to tough it out for about 3 months and see how things go. I figure thats how long it will take for me to get the $$$$ up for a new place. The first time i get any indication of anything wrong, while shes at work. Ill move out. I have enough friends to help, so I figure i can pack everything from garage to bathrooms, except her shit, in about 6 hours. Just about everything is mine anyway. All inherited.

And i havent hit a girl since i was 12. lmao. Broke a pretty good streak, dammit. guess i should add, i was in a few Dom.Violence situations where the woman struck me and i walked away. Hate to say it, but it might have worked to wake her up. She does seem to want to do right, and shes admitted fault - which she had never done before.
So, im saving and praying. Maybe a new home, ill know soon enough. I finally got some good sleep last night.
Im in a fix here. im going to tough it out for about 3 months and see how things go. I figure thats how long it will take for me to get the $$$$ up for a new place. The first time i get any indication of anything wrong, while shes at work. Ill move out. I have enough friends to help, so I figure i can pack everything from garage to bathrooms, except her shit, in about 6 hours. Just about everything is mine anyway. All inherited.

And i havent hit a girl since i was 12. lmao. Broke a pretty good streak, dammit. Hate to say it, but it might have worked to wake her up. She does seem to want to do right, and shes admitted fault - which she had never done before.
So, im saving and praying. Maybe a new home, ill know soon enough. I finally got some good sleep last night.

I suprised you were able contain youself when you saw her handleing meth in front of your boy. I would think that takes quite a bit of restraint right there.

Was she acually smoking it with him in the room?
hella drama..break up wit her if she on that crack rock or krystina.. it doesnt matter if u guys r together ur kid will still see both of u if u guys work something out and then maybe she'll sober up
No, not smoking. Said she was cleaning it with a Qtip. It was not hot when i grabbed it , so she wasnt burning it.

DWR. lovit, its now my screen saver and i think my new poker name- mrfantastic68
Ever hear of ''The Burning Bed "" Its a movie with Farrah Faucet ...... Look it up ,, You might wanna sleep with one eye open ..
No, not smoking. Said she was cleaning it with a Qtip. It was not hot when i grabbed it , so she wasnt burning it.

DWR. lovit, its now my screen saver and i think my new poker name- mrfantastic68

damn, glad you like it ;) ! :joint::peace:

wish you the best man ;)
I believe that there are very rare occasions when it's OK to hit a woman. This would be one of them. I think you're doing the right thing by giving her a small chance to act right, but if she violates that, don't get angry, just grab your son, your stuff, and go. I wish you all the best with this. I have never had to deal with anything similar, but I hope I have been able to provide you with some solid advice.
Oh, and PS. It might be a good idea to get the weapons out of the house for a while. Have a trusted friend or relative hang onto them, or put them in storage/safe deposit box.