Sleeping aids

Great advise thanks guys. Definately going to get some melatonin and valerian root. Lots of posts about benzos...what do you guys think about RC benzos like phenazepam? White noise is a great idea too.

I think the biggest thing will be changing bad habits though. No food too late, no TV at night etc.

Thanks for all the input guys!
I like the blue ones(my docs too stingy to put out the bars). Take one of these then masturbate, that always works for me.

Thats a killer combo you have there :D I reach for my willy when I can`t sleep and feel like it too :D Sex works much better, I read it releases 7 times more "relaxing chemicals" in our brain than masturbation so I always miss my lady ;)
Insomnia runs in my family. Personally I've found ingesting large quantities of cannabis with some poppy tea is either enough to help me sleep or at least relax when I can't sleep.

A nice big pot brownie is usually enough for moderate insomnia. If I don't think that's going to be enough I'll usually drink some strong poppy tea along with it. The combination makes from some really cool dreams and I wake up feeling really rested. Unfortunately I've been unable to get dried poppy pods for awhile. Also it can be quite addictive so you don't want to be doing it with regularity. I've found that the "hangover" starts feeling different if I'm doing it too frequently and need to take a month or two off.

If you are afraid of sleeping pills just why would you be willing to fuck with benzos? The long term side effects and withdraw can be a real bitch and that's coming from the dude who is basically recommending opium.

edit: wikipedia servers as a decent list of sleeping drugs.
Thats a killer combo you have there :D I reach for my willy when I can`t sleep and feel like it too :D Sex works much better, I read it releases 7 times more "relaxing chemicals" in our brain than masturbation so I always miss my lady ;)

No wonder it's so hard to fall asleep before busting a nut.

I've also suffered with insomnia for many years...... it started with opiate addiction.... after I quit opiates the insomnia was of course worse, so I started benzos. Got addicted to xanax so had to quit that and started smoking more herb, and drinking more...... had to quit drinking. Realised I'm an addictive person. So if you are like me, stick to valerian root. It works very mildly. Sometimes I still can't sleep even when taking that. Sleeping pills with the common diphenahydramine (sp) don't work for me. something called calm-u-nat I recently tried seemed to work great. It was at GNC supposed to be all herbal etc.

Basically, if you don't want to be addicted to something nasty, check out GNC.
I usually go running, like a HARD CORE run around 9:00, I don't mean jogging, I mean run at full speed as long as you can, when you can't anymore, slow down to a jog or fast walk.... then when you get to your driveway or home , do as many pushups and situps as you can possibly do..

Follow this by a hot shower

1 hitter of some nice indica, and the history channel and im fucking out.
1 hitter of some nice indica, and the history channel and im fucking
I have to agree on the History Channel thing. I have no idea why. Normally, if I allow the TV to drone on in the background even with the sound turned down very low, I soon turn it off but with a good black and white documentary on Stalin, Goering or Hitler that I have seen umpteen-gazilion times I tend to sleep very soundly.
duno where you are but in australia we have "phenergan" an over the counter antihistamine that knocks me on my ass. its used as a sleep aid when benzos are contradicted. and there not addictive like benzos. ive here'd coming of benzos can cause seizures and death.