Hey bud, I suffer from insomnia, hyper-vigillance, ptsd, etc as I am a war survivor. I've been battling insomnia for some 16 years now. I've tried everything, I didn't read the whole thread, but benadryl (diphenhydramine) will make you twitch in higher doses and can make insomnia worse (restless legs etc). Maybe it will affect you differently but that was my experience. Also, the next day I was seeing picture in segments, as in moving my eyes from side to side made me things abnormally. Unisom uses diphenhydramine same as benadryl, or doxylamine in their blue tabs. Prescription meds can make you hallucinate if you dont fall asleep on them. If your insomnia is as bad as mine, they might not work and you will stay away just trippin on things that arent there.
So far the only thing that has worked has been weed, Indica, and loads of it. I mean my tolerance is so high that smoking it does nothing. I make extracts. I make wax (cannabis oil), then dissolve about a grab or two in 750ml of bacardi 151. It takes about a ml of the solution to put me down for 10 hours. Its very potent so gaguge your tolerance. If you need help or recipe don't hesitate to message me.
Take care, best of luck. Lack of sleep is debilitating. Personally I can't function without sleeping min. 8 hours now that I am 31 years of age.