Sleeping pills that work....any ideas??

Temazapam worked for me, but I don't take it very often at all, I would hate to get dependant on any benzo's.
Hey bud, I suffer from insomnia, hyper-vigillance, ptsd, etc as I am a war survivor. I've been battling insomnia for some 16 years now. I've tried everything, I didn't read the whole thread, but benadryl (diphenhydramine) will make you twitch in higher doses and can make insomnia worse (restless legs etc). Maybe it will affect you differently but that was my experience. Also, the next day I was seeing picture in segments, as in moving my eyes from side to side made me things abnormally. Unisom uses diphenhydramine same as benadryl, or doxylamine in their blue tabs. Prescription meds can make you hallucinate if you dont fall asleep on them. If your insomnia is as bad as mine, they might not work and you will stay away just trippin on things that arent there.

So far the only thing that has worked has been weed, Indica, and loads of it. I mean my tolerance is so high that smoking it does nothing. I make extracts. I make wax (cannabis oil), then dissolve about a grab or two in 750ml of bacardi 151. It takes about a ml of the solution to put me down for 10 hours. Its very potent so gaguge your tolerance. If you need help or recipe don't hesitate to message me.

Take care, best of luck. Lack of sleep is debilitating. Personally I can't function without sleeping min. 8 hours now that I am 31 years of age.
Do you exercise? Taking a walk before bed can help, settle the mind and body. B vitamin complex also can help you sleep, B1 specifically can help with this and nightmares but I recommend taking them balanced. Melatonin as someone suggested. Stop all electronics 1-2 hours before bed, I read a recent study that involved people's sleep being affected by being connected to their computers or TVs before bed and that it stimulated their brain too much for decent sleep (and in some cases this can cause insomnia). All bodies are different so you may have to experiment.

I'd definitely experiment with natural sleeping aids before putting a drug into your system (such as a sleeping pill) as these can cause further imbalances and simply mask the root problem.
Pills: zolpidem, zolpiclone and nitrazepam all work well. However, sleeping hygene comes first. Google it and take it seriously.

Ps. I am an insomnia patient ;) you dont want this :p
Hatha yoga. Best medicine on the planet and no side effects. Used it to kick sleeping pills that I was on for 4 years.

The pills are the most dangerous thing in our society today. Solarvis is right, look into natural remedies.
Valariun root, good sleep hygene.

Brain can't go from stimulation (bright screens) to restive melatonin producing slumber with the flip of a switch.

Read a book before bed. "But reading is boring." Exactly.
Not the only reason I smoke weed but one very important one - sleep. without it 0 sleep for 6 months is the longest I can go w/o weed so I need it to sleep. BTW I have always AKA pre weed, had hard time with sleep. Weed = :)
I know this sounds gross, but jerk off twice before sleep, you'll sleep really well.

What is your sleep environment like? Bedroom have any light seeping in? How good is your mattress? Too hot/cold room? Sleep better when room is cool. Lavender essential oil diffusing is relaxing. Perhaps take a short hiatus and catch up on sleep and find a tipi for rent near by. The conical shape of the tipi and being outside for a few days or a week will reset your body into a natural rhythm. A multitude of natural ways in my opinion is best, good luck man. Do look into spending some time cooking your food over a fire in cast iron and just being