Sleestack X Skunk, Kandy Kush X Skunk, Kushberry X Skunk, and Roadrunner


Active Member
It's hard to be patient, but at least they are starting to get a little more definition.

I think they need water today, but that means it's probably too soon. I don't want them to wilt this young, but I have kept the soil a little damp over the past two weeks and it's time for them to dry out a little so they stay healthy. I will check them again in about 12 hours, and if they are standing as tall as they are now and the leaves are still reaching for the lights then I will wait until tomorrow morning.

Here are a couple of update pics. As you can see in the group shot, the ones closer to the lights are noticeably bigger (compare the Kandy Kush X Skunk and the Roadrunner).


Here are some pics of a Kushberry X Skunk:




Active Member
The progress is slow, but steady and sure. I checked the soil this morning, and I think it should be a little drier before watering, so I'll wait another day. Like I said yesterday, I don't want it to get to a point where the leaves droop, but it is important that the roots get dry every few days. In the flowering stage, I'll want the leaves to start drooping before I water them.

And a few pics:



Active Member
I know, not much interesting is happening. But not much I can do about that. Well, I guess I am glad to say nothing much interesting is happening...

They got their drink of tap water today. Still only H2O, but it was a really good drink. I made sure that the edges of pots were wet at least half way down to encourage root growth to the sides. I also moved them around a little and re-arranged the lights for the first time. Here is a before and after:


Interestingly, the little 'uns in the larger pots are growing faster. I hadn't noticed that before and am wondering if it is just a coincidence???



Isn't my baby the cutest ever? Here are a couple pics of my Kandy Kush X Skunk. I'm just mesmerized by the shape of it's leaves. Damn, I hope one of them is a girl.




hey medtoker they look nice im quite interested as to how the sleestack x skunk is doing and how many cfls u are useing and what others if any?


Active Member
I got nute burn on the little 'uns. However, I will take pics of the others tomorrow when the lights come back on.

I used a new organic soil (from the home depot) and none of my plants like it and got nute burn. I didn't have too big of a problem with the burn since this was just a grow to occupy my time. However, I put a Jack Herer into veg a couple weeks ago and it's a bit hurt too. Fortunately, I flushed the soil before putting it in so it's doing better than the others. Funny actually, the bigger pots were filled with one bag and the smaller ones were a second bag. The Herer is still burnt, but I can't flush again until the soil drys more. No point in adding to the problem.

They are still alive, but crying out in pain. lol. I am just trying to keep them alive and pics will come tomorrow.

As far as the lights, I moved the flowering ones to a new room since I didn't want to put the nute burned ones into flower. Right now, it's just the 3 plants in a 3-foot by 3-foot area (one square meter). Six 68Watt soft white bulbs. :hump:
Also, I just got a Super Cali Haze wet. Thanks there goes to "Hazy Grapes".
have you grown the kandy kush x skunk befor i ask because i just orderd myself a pack from attitude and was curious if thy are really stinky and if equally as potent


Active Member
Here are the pics from the 29th:

Roadrunner with a pic of the 2 inch cola:


My itty-bitty Sleestack X Skunk:


Kandy Kush X Skunk:


The nute burned ones, about two inches tall (the seedling is the Super-Cali Haze:

IMAG0265.jpgIMAG0266.jpg and a close-up of the sad things togetherIMAG0267.jpg


Active Member
have you grown the kandy kush x skunk befor i ask because i just orderd myself a pack from attitude and was curious if thy are really stinky and if equally as potent
Hi CANADAKUSH. Nope, this is my first time. So far it smells like grass. The Sleestack has a bit of a skunk smell to it. Some pics of the kandy Kush X Skunk:


And both of them with the lights on (oooh, it's bright):
