SLH - BB Cheese - SSH 12 's since 3-21-10


Active Member
Yep just check to see if the crystals are cloudy or amber and harvest when they are one or the other depending on what affect u want from the smoke


Well-Known Member
it amazes me that those fucked up clones I got are turning out like this, it really is beyond what I had hoped for.


Active Member
Good lord man is this a joke. Your girls are not even close to being finished and you have crystals all over your FAN leaves. That is some sexy shit my man. Pic number 4 is amazing. I cant get over how many crystals are all over those fan leaves. Normally you dont get tons of crystals on your fan leaves and the crystals you get on them are on the bottom half to quarter of the leave. You got the crystals covering the whole damn leaf lol. Keep up the good work its looking super sexy. I cant wait to see what they look like when there done!!


Well-Known Member
They are SOOOOOO sticky and have the nicest fruity fuelish smell, The Super Lemon Haze def has a distinct lemony / pinesol scent and very sticky as well. 43 days to go... FUCK THEY ARE GOING TO BE HUGE>>>>>>>>


Active Member
How long have they been in flower now? Give me the date that you switched to 12/12 not the day you saw them start flowering. Those things are looking nice for 43 more days to go damn


Active Member
Nevermind just saw earliar in the post that you flipped them on 3-19 how long are you flowering these bad boys for? Are they an 8 or 10 or 12 week flowering strain? Do you know? Either way they look beast for a little over a month of flowering


Well-Known Member
New pics for ya all to drool over :D I know I am drooling over the real thing :D
Any who:

The Super Lemon HAze is going to go the full 11 weeks, The Super Silver Haze will prob go 10 - 11 weeks ( first run with SSH) The Cheese will get cut 7-9 weeks clser to 9 (depending how badly I need smoke at the time ), On Monday I will give Cheese first dose of Over Drive, She will get 2 doses 7 days apart then final phase and flush for a week.

The SLH And SSH seem to take the nutes well just so long as you ramp up the PPM slowly, with this being an 11week strain you have time...

4-19-10 Received Nutes as follows (per 3 gal batches)
Sensi a+b - 45 ml
Big Bud - 9 ml
Rhino Skin - 22.68 ml
Bud Candy - 22.68 ml
BudSwel - 45ml <---- NON AN product hydro recomended

ppm 1220s

ph 6.3

They are SOOOOOO sticky and have the nicest fruity fuelish smell, The Super Lemon Haze def has a distinct lemony / pinesol scent and very sticky as well. 43 days to go... The Cheese well it has a very strange smell .. very pleasent kind of cheese herby scent.....

Well here are some pics taken 4-22
Pic 1 is Supper Lemon Haze Cola
Pic 2 is Super Lemon Haze cola ( with my hand in pic for size referance I am 6'3" 295 lbs, so I am a big'un)
Pic 3 and 4 are Super Silver Haze shots showing off more sticky icky trichs



Active Member
Still amazing as usual lol the Super silver haze is def on my to grow list. That plant amazes me with the amount of crystals at this point in flower and how they are all over the plant and even covering the Fan leaves. If i can manage to grow them half as good as you are they will still turn out amazing its def on the list for my next grow. Keep up the good work


Active Member
Damn so sexy!!!!!! Im jealous. I was just out of town for 3-4 days and just got back. My lights just turned on and i looked at my girls and there are crystals forming all over those ladies now. Im so excited and hope they end up getting all the crystals yours have. Check out my grow journal if you want the link is in my sig below


Well-Known Member
SO the update

Just found a pretty good mite infestation on the cheese ( just 1 plant and only 1 cola wierd) Blasted the room with Dr. Doom hopefully that will keep em at bay. Anywho they are looking real frost.