Slight Burn with Humboldt Gravity


So here is my current flower regime. I am in week 5 and have a slight yellowing issue on larger fan leaves. I think Gravity is the culprit here.

These ladies are in 5 gallon buckets under a 1000 watt HPS with a Raptor hood. I have the cola's at least 14 inches from the light.

GH: Grow, Micro and Bloom. Actually cut grow this week.
AN: Bud Candy
AN: Big Bud
AN: Sensizym
Humboldt County's Own: Snow Storm Ultra
Humboldt County's Own: Gravity

Since this is the first week I am running Gravity I started with 1ml per gallon. So basically 3/4 tsp. I am using it weeks 5, 6 and 7. This is half the recommended amount. I am starting to wonder since the root balls already fill up the entire bucket if they are getting too much juice. I have a big air stone in their but it doesn't do much any longer due to the extreme size of the root balls.

Here is a pic of one of the plants. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
3/4 of a tsp is more like 3.75ml per gallon. 1 tsp is 5ml. You should have been aiming for more like 1/2 of 1/4 tsp.

I used gravity at more like 0.66ml per gallon and it works a little better that way. You kinda over did it. Back the light up from the plant as far as you can and cut the EC in half at least. Gravity is some serious shit man, not to be used without serious consideration.

Looks like you hit them a little early too.

I think the best time to apply gravity is just as the older hairs are starting to go from white to orange/pink/brown. This seems to revitalize the plant and forces it to throw out quite a few more flowers from "within." Usually, this times out with the 6th week window just before swelling when the plants seem like they stall out for a few days as they transition.


1 Tsp is 5ml. At 1ml per gallon (I have around 4 gallons of water in the bucket) that would be 4 ml. 3/4tsp is actually slightly lower than the lower end of the 1-2ml recommendation. It's not 1-2ml per liter, it clearly says 1-2 per gallon. I am starting to think my PPM might be way too high. I just measure and my light is 18 inches from the tallest cola's. It seems like you have some experience with the product. The instructions say for weeks 5-7 the owner of the hydro shop said he uses it just like I stated above. I just added some fresh water to the bucket and I will check it in the morning to see if anything changes. Is that ok or should I drain the bucket and leach them for the next 3-4 days?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I think if you back up the lights and add some fresh water (compensating for pH of course) then you've done about all you can do. You will need to flush those buckets at some point though and you might want to do that sooner than later. If the problem gets worse then act fast I think. Nice thing about being in hydro is you can make those changes fast.

I missed the whole 5 gallon reservoir part... I get it now and you're right. I think it's just the light and the EC, got to take care of those two things like it says on the label for sure.

If those plants are 5 weeks into flowering you're looking a little bit behind for a quicker finishing strain. I'd say you could probably wait until week 7 before giving them another dose. Maybe a little weaker. You look like you're lining up for a 10-11 week flowering period, IMO. Probably 75 days at harvest, and if you're only day 35-40 now I'd have waited another 10 days or so before applying.

It's more about applying during the right time of growth. Some strains take 2-3 more weeks than others and you need to kinda add that to the front of the grow bumping your nutrient mixups to compensate.

It is going to work out. No worries.


Thanks for the info. These ladies are Big Buddha. I can't see them taking that long, but you may be right. The flowers are just clustering together to form large cola's. I think I will add a week to the cycle. I was gonna flush in week 9, but like you said I will have to let mother nature tell me when its time.