hello I am currently growing 50 plants in 2 tubs that are 18"x44" and about 8" deep the seedlings are ruffly 8" tall give or take I have them under a 1000 watt hps that has been 20" from the canopy my soil was at 5ph so I added some dolomite lime PELLETS and it came up to about 6.75 I am using alaska bloom 0-10-10 (they are in bud cycle and have been for 7 days as of today) I am starting to get some wilting so I raised my light 4" today which may very well fix the problem if it was sucking the moisture out of the foliage that is I also think they look way to limey in color so I am hoping that is an iron deficiency will expirement with that tommorow in a controlled fashion I wont have any pics up until tommorow but do any of you guys think you could give me an educated guess on the issues I am having