Slight yellowing of a tip of my leaf


New Member
So I am extremely new to growing this being my first plant and was curious as to if some of you more seasoned growers may know what my problem is one of the tips of a single leaf has started to yellow slightly I copied a link for a picture of it not sure if it worked


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New Member
By the way folks it's the one on the left in the picture it's hard to see but over the past few days it's slightly yellowed

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Honestly man I have no idea what a growing medium is and as far as nutrients I'm using compost soil with some added tea and coffee grounds for a little extra nitrogen

You should just buy some decent tomato fertilizer 1/2 dosage rec. and grow it out
It looks like your compost isn't loaded with nitrogen
I'm almost afraid to ask what kind of tea?


New Member
The compost soil I'm using is miracle grow garden soil for veggies and herbs it has .09 nitrogen and I used Lipton tea grounds which I've used for veggies in the past and it worked great

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
The compost soil I'm using is miracle grow garden soil for veggies and herbs it has .09 nitrogen and I used Lipton tea grounds which I've used for veggies in the past and it worked great
No offense but weed is not a veggie and responds differently
The tea people use and brew for growing weed is a much different animal
and by brew I mean aerate
This is exactly why I refuse to use nuted soil base
It still looks hungry or locked out maybe try a a bit of epsom salt water sprayed (foliar )on the leafs during dark cycle for a couple days will force it to pick up the existing Nitrogen


New Member
None taken whatsoever but yes I do know that lol I figured since it was a compost it would be better than run of the mill soil for flowers and such. What do you mean by stayed on the leaves and what would be a good water to Epsom salt ratio?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
1 tablespoon per gallon... foliar feeding is important in veg and adding epsom salts to your watering regime is good too
It breaks the lockout as a rule


New Member
Now do I use it as a daily/weekly thing or just for 1 week also does it matter if it gets on the plant itself? Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't hydrogen peroxide help the plant as well with oxygen promotion

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Now do I use it as a daily/weekly thing or just for 1 week also does it matter if it gets on the plant itself? Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't hydrogen peroxide help the plant as well with oxygen promotion
Only in hydro
H2o2 will kill good pathogens in organic growing
Just spritz it at beginning of night cycle for a couple days and see if it responds
No spraying during lights on


New Member
One last question would it hurt the plant to go from the 2gal pot it's currently in to just normal old ground my idea is to dig a relatively deep hole and bury some homemade compost mostly composed of chicken scat to let some worms get at it for a week or longer and then bury the plant on top of that

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
One last question would it hurt the plant to go from the 2gal pot it's currently in to just normal old ground my idea is to dig a relatively deep hole and bury some homemade compost mostly composed of chicken scat to let some worms get at it for a week or longer and then bury the plant on top of that
What part of the world are you in?
It need to mature before transplanting
Bigger area makes it hard to control watering when it is so small
I used to dig holes but now I am all about raised bed gardening


New Member
I'm not far from Texas so a pretty hot and relatively humid area (depending on how close to large bodies of water you are and how much rain we get)

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
We have a few months before winter so it should be flowering by then
You have at least 2 months before that thing is big enough to flower
and my bet is it will go to flower too soon and be a dwarf unless you addd supplemental lighting at night