slightly moldy marijuana


Well-Known Member
any more opinions on this? i wanna say i JUST caught it starting when i reopened the bag... i notice little white growing

i heard ppl say it didn't affect them

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't smoke it but if you are that hard up go for it! Let us know if your high was worth any sickness you get. Maybe google what temp the mold dies at cook it, or maybe microwave it to kill the living mold spores. I know it will fuck up your weed a little bit but maybe it will stop you from getting sick. or maybe make cannabutter out of it. Boiling the shit may kill off the mold.

But like I said I wouldn't smoke it!

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont throw it away. you can still make hash outta it. bet some bubble bags or if your on a budget make some with a blender and coffee filter..

theres a good diy thread on how to make hash with coffee filters....... and all your left with is the resin


Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Low grade cannabis quite often has a little mold, and many years ago people thought making it mouldy improved the strength (weird concept) ... the bottom line is I have never heard of any one dieing from smoking moldy weed, heard of plenty of people getting sick from sharing dirty bongs though.
A little mold won't hurt you.
But as already been suggested, you can always make hash (gumby method is cheap and easy), you can make canna butter or oils, you can even water cure for a week - the one thing you don't want to do is throw it away.
Green ladies is right on time,throw it away its not worth the risk.If you have any doubts google aspergillus on cannabis,it can and will kill you