SlikWiLL13's Intro To LSD



willie i didnt know u from from chicago bro untill i read that aquarium thing. u from the north side?


Well-Known Member
willie i didnt know u from from chicago bro untill i read that aquarium thing. u from the north side?
im an hour west near dekalb. never actually lived IN the city, just near it.

i say i grew up on the south side of rockford because i lived there between 8 and 18.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
si senor. lsd and what im now certain were DOx chems were my only trips until shrooms a couple years later.
How was the actual trip? Did you need therapy afterwards or did you hide in your room for months? Damn man, that is just fucking crazy.


Well-Known Member
How was the actual trip? Did you need therapy afterwards or did you hide in your room for months? Damn man, that is just fucking crazy.
being that it was both my first trip and my first time getting arrested(and seriously at that!) it was hard to distinguish between the two highs(adrenaline and panic being the second).

i definetly remember the walls of my cell breathing and the blanket writhing and having an extreme difficulty interacting with the police/guards/ect.

no therapy or hiding.:-P

The Good Doctor

Active Member
Lol, so because I disagree, or more specifically just point out an interesting concept, I'm the Bad Doctor?

My only point is this( yes I know what section I am in). Maybe isn't the place for it. One day all drugs could be excepted and legal, but at present they are not. You can't argue that. You have to remember. Everytime you tell a story about a 15 year old dropping lsd(even an old story). . . . it just makes us all look bad, or worse. Thats it. You want to drop lsd do it and have fun.

Just remember a couple of the rules I used back when it was really available. Don't trip where you think there could ever be cops under any normal circumstance. Thats bad umkay.

Running from cops even if you can get away is stupid, what if you have a fat friend, a friend who is tripping harder than you, or who for that matter doesn't realise you are running when you go to run. Then they stuck with your fuck up. Not fun or nice.

Do I care if you trip? No. Do I really care if you talk about it on here? No. My only point was this, if we are ever going to see a society that excepts our MJ use, and doesn't shit on us all the time for it, it is up to us, to break the mold and show people we can be more than burnouts.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
To illustrate the point, I have two friends, who were leaving a Casino(Indian not Vegas). They smoke a joint in the car, instead of driving away first, they smoke in the parking lot.

The tribal/casino security noticed this happening on the cameras, how is only gods knowledge(I am not sure how blatent they were being). Now, they showed up to basically give them some crap then send them on their way with a good scare. Pulled them out of the car etc. One friend when against the car, suddenly decided to run, and yelled " run " he did. The second friend did nothing, as he was never expecting it to be an issue, or to be running. So of course he was fucked. The one who ran, got caught within 10 seconds. So instead of just being harrased and let go, they ended up having to wait for cops, who busted them, looked through their car and found an ounce. So yeah, posession over an ounce and evading etc.

If they had just stayed put, my friend would have had his ounce, his freedom, and a much better night/weekend.


RC Maniac

New Member
Where is anybody not being responsible??? He didn't do anything to make the cops think he was doing anything wrong. It wasnt his fault. He was handling his shit. It was some bastard kids that fucked him over. See, a 15yo kid can handle acid. The drug that from one dose can make a person permanently psychotic. ;-) Running from the cops is bad. It's an admission of guilt. If your that paranoid that they are going to find out your on acid, very briskly walk away. :-) But there is no problem with talk.
1st amendment
If your in a country where free speech isn't allowed though, then you shouldn't be doing the acid in public. I can agree. :-)


Well-Known Member
its funny how new, low-post members like to tell us how they think we should post when the oldest members(the creators)made this section just for such posts. move along doc, go find a forum you fit in at because this aint the spot.

for the record, i was the only one holding or tripping. you cannot get in trouble because your friend/s ran and you didnt. and if you continue to parade around RIU on your high horse you wont be very popular.

did i say Welcome To RIU yet?:twisted:

RC Maniac

New Member
To illustrate the point, I have two friends, who were leaving a Casino(Indian not Vegas). They smoke a joint in the car, instead of driving away first, they smoke in the parking lot.

The tribal/casino security noticed this happening on the cameras, how is only gods knowledge(I am not sure how blatent they were being). Now, they showed up to basically give them some crap then send them on their way with a good scare. Pulled them out of the car etc. One friend when against the car, suddenly decided to run, and yelled " run " he did. The second friend did nothing, as he was never expecting it to be an issue, or to be running. So of course he was fucked. The one who ran, got caught within 10 seconds. So instead of just being harrased and let go, they ended up having to wait for cops, who busted them, looked through their car and found an ounce. So yeah, posession over an ounce and evading etc.

If they had just stayed put, my friend would have had his ounce, his freedom, and a much better night/weekend.

Running is NOT, let me repeat, NOT a good idea. If the cops know your name then your completely screwed. If you leave your car, COMPLETELY screwed.

When the security came, I would've drove away.


Well-Known Member
in this particular case even my parents asked me why i didnt just run through the woods to my house. with the didstance the cops were away and the obstacles in between us they would have had to shoot me to get me.

the good doctor sounds like no fun at all to trip with. dont go anywhere where there might be cops....gee, that leaves...the basement. how fun. on my last trip i asked chicago PD for directions 2 different times and free i remain.

The Good Doctor

Active Member
Did I say dont'? No.

I think its funny that people who spend all their time posting(obviously) and who most likely don't even know the creators, get so offended by a simple suggestion. Stoner responsibility.

You see my point is this. We can talk about anything we want. Duh, 1st amendment. You can run, walk or crawl if you feel like it. You can even drop acid(illegally of course) at any age you wish. But incriminating yourself on a stoner site isn't the best idea. It is possible to, that you bring the site down a notch by doing so.

As far as new or low post members, so. Just because you can post a shit ton of posts, or be logged on longer, or were a member first is only a triumph to your ability to sit on your ass and not do anything. You have no idea, how much LSD MMJ or anything else I have been a part of, so be nice, and I will to. You notice I try to have a good sense of humor about it, even when you are all crapping on me? OH well,

I am smart enough to know I cannot change the mind of every person on the internet, just a thought was all I ever put forward. It seems me excercising my 1stAm rights blows everyones mind for some reason. Maybe its all that LSD you took when you were 14. LOL

Great fucking idea.

If the creators of the site started a thread/area or room that was the Fuck And Kill Little Kids forum, would that make it alright, or Kosher? No. So that is not the mark of anything.

Anyway, have fun, get high, and don't get so pissy at me. I didn't sensor you, or even tell you not to do something. I am not your dad, mom, or even brother. Do what you want. To whom you want, when where and how you want. No skin off my back. Or that back of whomever created this site.

I did L for first time when I was in the 6th grade. Monkeys In A Barrel(was the name). So Im on the same page as you. I was just pointing out the concept of why put that out there for the authorities to know about. On a pot(not lsd) site.

RC Maniac

New Member
Maybe you could have payed no attention to the cops and make them think you hadnt seen them, then gesture to your friends to follow and run. That would work.


Well-Known Member
I did L for first time when I was in the 6th grade. Monkeys In A Barrel(was the name). So Im on the same page as you. I was just pointing out the concept of why put that out there for the authorities to know about. On a pot(not lsd) site.
but this is the 'hallucinatory substances' section....the arguement ends there. if you dont like it, dont think its 'proper stoner etiquitte':lol:, then move on because we are not gonna change for you.

Maybe you could have payed no attention to the cops and make them think you hadnt seen them, then gesture to your friends to follow and run. That would work.
13 yrs ago man and hindsight is definetly 20/20

The Good Doctor

Active Member
BTW, I never said dont go anywhere, but duh a public park the cops always troll there. If you go to public parks, doghnut shops etc. You would expect to see cops.

I personally have found/believe that LSD is not for fun. I don't think that was ever the point. When I am about 14 hours into a trip, I don't usually think, wow, how fun.

How about the woods, a festival, hempfest, etc. I understand your options are limited at 15, but then again who said the world was created for 15 year olds to fry their fucking brains? I dont remember that part.

But, mushrooms, lsd, peyote, dmt, etc. It is generally accepted that they are for spiritual or mental bounding. Not friday night fun. If that's how you roll, then keep rolling. I know I will. But if I am going to drop a bunch of LSD it isn't gong to be in a public park. My only point about running was, if you are with friends, its not a good idea. If you are alone then go for it. Then again, tripping balls by your self, meh.

Oh well, do your thing, don't let me bug you. IF something simple as me writing a few words gets you this bent, then LSD might not be the drug for you.