Slim's Outdoor Sativas 09 - Update


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!!by the very first pic you are in a very busy spot!Apt complex????If you lived any place around here some low life would have ripped ya off for those girls.Sad but true.Looks more like mites to me also.good luck with your grow.:weed:


Active Member
Since you have a small number of plants/leafs, you might want to try getting some rubber gloves, and literally squishing the bugs and their eggs. I would use what ever spray solution you got, spray them girls down, and then try and go over every leaf with your thumb and index finger, squishing the living, and unhatched eggs. Maybe look up a good water/alcohol mixture, and dunk your fingers in it as you do it. Hope i helped a little!
OH yeah man, as of today, I was removing the more affected leaves but tomorow imma do the whole squishing process. Only 3 plants and 1 is suffering, the others are fine. Thanks for the comments, stay tuned, I still have more flowering weeks to come. And maybe the cold weather here will repeal those damn mites.