Slooooow growing


Active Member
Hello there. My problem is with the growth of the plants. Everything seems to be normal, but they grow very, very slow. It's third week passing now and this is what they look like:

:neutral: What should I do?


Active Member
Is it over-watering? I water them to sustain the moisture (that's once a day or two.) Or do I have to let them dry a bit?

The tallest one is Morning Glory and all of the others are unknown - got them from a friend. He doesn't know the strain either.


Well-Known Member
Let the soil dry out a bit. Feel down a few inches, if it's even slightly moist, don't water. You should only need to water couple times a week.


Well-Known Member
get used to watering by lifting your pots... lift it right after you water.... then lift it the next day and the next, you should be able to feel it getting lighter and lighter and then i would watch the plant to tell you when its thirsty... roots need oxygen too!


Active Member
dude, i had same problem, plants were too cold, the air was nice, but when i felt the pots they were like 35* when the temp outside was 55-60*
now that its summer my plants all have been taking off.
(it feels like summer in cali)


Active Member
Lifting, hmm. Doo I water over the top, through the soil, or under the pots? And when do I lift? After watering, while watering and for how long?

dragonbladev, can't be it. Look at the size of the box. It's small and the 250W metal hallide lamp is way hot for that size, that's why I have all the air circulation going. Too bad I don't have a decent thermometer. The one I had broke and the new one just sits at 28C. Today I bought a bigger sized garden closet (constructable) and filled the inside with mylar. My new-made (smaller) reflector is (don't know the word so I'll use 'relaxing') after it's coloring with Thermo color. And meanwhile I put the ladies under one 18W luminiscent Cool white lamp. Because, goddamnit, this is impossible. A guy on other forum put two seeds in two cups, put them under four cfl's and in a matter of 4 days they grew as big as mine did in three weeks. The last crop I had were all males. Perhaps I'm unlucky?((


Well-Known Member
you will have to lift after watering, before watering, and all the time in between when its wet to dry. but once you know how "light" the pot should be before the next watering your plants will show that you watered them at the right time. or something... that sounds dumb.. just can't think right now. ha