Slow Grow Plants + Droopy Yellow Leaves = Need Help


Active Member
My plants are 6 weeks old and are just now developing their 4th and 5th set of leaves. They range in height from 4 inches to 5 inches. Is this normal? I believe that they are growing very slowly and I know that it could be partially due to low amounts of nutrition but is there anyway to speed up the vegetation process? I leave the lights on 24 hours a day. Would more lights vegetate them quicker?

Also their lowest true leaves are somewhat droopy and yellow. I believe this problem to be malnutrition and over-watering. I only water the soil when it feels dry about 1 inch below the surface soil level and I have started feeding them an All Purpose Plant Food with all the nutrients they should need but am I watering too much?

One more question- With my plants, the smaller the pot, the larger the plant. Why is this so? My plants are in 3.5" diameter pots and they are the ones with the biggest and most leaves. The plants in the 1 gallon size pots are 4 inches tall and have few and smaller leaves. Do some strains prefer smaller pots? Or do all strains prefer small pots?

Thank you for all your help and remember what Joe Dirt said, "Life's a garden. Dig it."


Well-Known Member
plant height seems a little below normal..hard to tell without pics.

What type of lights are they under, and how far away..temperatures?

the yellowing sounds like a nitrogen deficiency, have they been in the same containers for the past 6 weeks? the plants may have used up the nutes they need out of the soil...make sure not to give them too much of that plant food...start slow and watch closely to see if the yellowing stops spreading..maight take a few days.

also I'd leave the lower leaves on so you can monitor them since they'll be the first to show you signs of a N problem/solution.

oh, and i dunno bout hte size thing...probly just genetics or random environmental conditions making the little pots grow bigger. I've never heard of plants liking smaller pots vs big ones.