Slow growing young seedling

Start off under a t5. Seedlings have no business under even a cheap led. I’ve completely veg’d under a 4 ft/4bulb. Heat around 80, humidity around 50. 10 degree temp decline at lights out.


Well-Known Member
33% perlite and peat make far too free draining soil, that big pot makes it hard to water and prone to underwatering.

Seedling looks like it wants more regular irrigation and normal soil not a high draining one in an oversized pot.

Water more often see if it dont start growing again, might try a light fert once it does atart growing.
Start off under a t5. Seedlings have no business under even a cheap led. I’ve completely veg’d under a 4 ft/4bulb. Heat around 80, humidity around 50. 10 degree temp decline at lights out.
You can pull easy seedlings on a table light... Putting them straight under a 600 watter is overkill