Slow Growth after Transplant and flowering


Active Member
Two weeks ago my plants showed signs of a ph imbalance so after some research i transplanted from MG soil to a better soil with a ph of 6.7. I watered them using water around 6.0 to 6.1 and they immediately showed new growth and started growing very quickly.

6 days ago i switched them to the 12/12 cycle under a 150w hps and 5 42 cfls (there are 5 ppp plants). They seem to have almost completely stopped growing with the exception of one of them which is growing larger by the minute. I will try to get some pics up later on but I dont really know what it will help because they plants are a perfect shade of green, green stems, no stretching etc. The room temps stay around 85, but I have c02 supplementation.

24 hours ago i took out the cfls to see if lowering the temp to around 78-80 would help any, but what is baffling is the fact that one is growing well while the others seem stagnant. From everything Ive read it sounds as tho after switching to 12/12 after only 30 days of veg (they were about 7 inches tall when i switched) that they should be growing at a very high rate.

Ive been through the grow faq many times, and im just not sure what to do since the temps are not too low and the ph is correct. Thanks for any help and if pics would help I can get some.


Well-Known Member
I am having the same problem with one of my plants. Ill keep watching this thread. Hope to see some replies soon :)

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Lower your temp------Use a low ppm nute with all micro's no more than 600. Feed @ 6.3--this is after you mix your nutes---make sure to let the pots dry out---it takes weeks for the roots to fill the pots out and over-watering will only slow your growth down----stop the co2 till you get all the other issues worked out, then apply the co2 at a matched rate ppm of the nutes you are using. Make sure to check you run-off for ppm's and ph--you should have dolomite lime in the soil so your run-off should be at 6.5 to 7ph---if lower than 6.5 and your feed water is 6.3 add a tablespoon of dolomite lime to each pot and work into the soil with a fork. As far as run-off ppm I like it to come out at no-more than 1350 in soil and 1750 in hydro--that's max and you'll prob see signs of burn or at least dark blue leaves at those high ppm's if you haven't built up to it slowly. You should give them a good dose of Vit B for shock if you haven't already done so. good luck.