Slow growth in coco


ok so I have 4,5 gallon buckets in coco and 4,5 gallon buckets in soil locally bought. I’m running under 1 bad ass 1200 led and a bull$hit ass 1000 watt cob of amazon. But I definitely know it’s not a thousand Watts. So I been watering my plants in soil with the usual thing I been doing from previous grows.And in the coco I been watering with tiger bloom,super thrive, and a lil cal/mag and been getting the ph to about 6 before water them but they seem to be growing at a slower rate than the girls I have in soil there all from the same cut besides about 2 also sometimes my temps shoot sky high like 90 86 85 but the plants in soil are just stacking flowers way more hard and one more thing I decided to pollenate my whole grow would this slow things down first three pics are the coco last two are soil



Well-Known Member
Not enough INFO, but from my experience 5 gallon buckets of coir is to large for plants those size.