slow growth, yellow/brown leaves

my plants are almost on their 4th week of veg and they seem to be growing rather slowly. in addition, the first true set of leaves on all the plants have turned almost completely yellow, and brown and crispy at the tips.

i'm using miracle gro potting soil w/perlite and worm castings, 6x26W 6500k cfl, 2x26W 2700k cfl, water runoff is somewhere between 6-7 (using pH strips)

i've attached some pictures. does the growth seem slow to anyone? also, what could be the cause of the discolored leaves? the newer leaves seem to be ok. thanks all!



Well-Known Member
damn four weeks... look like nute burn. switch to diff soil mg suck for mj get some ffof or make ur own soiless mix


Well-Known Member
mate nute burn could be it but it could be that the air is to dry as well... I would also take them out of the ceramic pots. The pots will absorb all the water. Use plastic pots and only water 2 times a week
lights are very close. 1-2" away. i understand the burn is probably from the nutrients in the soil. i just don't understand why they're still so damn small! could be genetics, i suppose, they're just bagseeds from a good smoke i had a couple months ago.


Well-Known Member
well another question i have to ask is how often do you water? watering too often can starve the roots of oxygen and stunt growth if the soil isnt drying out between watering your over watering it.


Well-Known Member
ok well as long as its dry below the surface too your probably doing fine on watering. when is the next time you water? I would do a flush and cut back on the nutes next feeding.