Slow growth?

In Bio Bizz Lite under a 200 Watt blue/white Envirolight. Two weeks under light. Lack of symmetry because she had an issue throwing off seed case. Just wondered if this is normal for two weeks on 20 hours light, 4 hours dark. Seems to be painfully slow progress.20220930_151050.jpg20220930_151101.jpg20220930_151039.jpg
Not familiar with bio bizz stuff but have you been feeding? Looks like bio bizz is meant to either just be a base for running liquid ferts or adding your own compost etc.
So I ditched that one and started again. Same substrate and conditions but with a 250 Watt HPS. Here we are at 4 weeks. I appear to be growing 20221023_181252.jpg20221023_181243.jpg20221023_181235.jpga bonsai. In soil at ph 6-7., 18/6. Possibly lower night temperatures is stunting it. At a loss. Seed after seed going the same way. Can't get them into veg.
So I ditched that one and started again. Same substrate and conditions but with a 250 Watt HPS. Here we are at 4 weeks. I appear to be growing View attachment 5216631View attachment 5216632View attachment 5216633a bonsai. In soil at ph 6-7., 18/6. Possibly lower night temperatures is stunting it. At a loss. Seed after seed going the same way. Can't get them into veg.
You want explosive vegetative growth grow in coco or hydro
And feed continuous
Otherwise get patience and keep doing what you are doing
You can’t rush Mother Nature in soil
OK. So my ebay temp/ humidity gauge packed up, but as I remember it is around 26°c with light and maybe 10°c or more lower at night. It's a cupboard grow which I have had great success in the past with, same seeds, conditions etc. Not autos, photos.
Is it worth persevering. For the last one I threw it on the window sill to, I dunno, give it a stretch boost and a kick up the arse. That was Summer though.
I can honestly go through half a dozen seeds at a time, varying certain conditions being as gentle as I can and never attain better results than this.
OK. So my ebay temp/ humidity gauge packed up, but as I remember it is around 26°c with light and maybe 10°c or more lower at night. It's a cupboard grow which I have had great success in the past with, same seeds, conditions etc. Not autos, photos.
Is it worth persevering. For the last one I threw it on the window sill to, I dunno, give it a stretch boost and a kick up the arse. That was Summer though.
I can honestly go through half a dozen seeds at a time, varying certain conditions being as gentle as I can and never attain better results than this.
What is the problem ?
You are in veg
You can’t make it flower till it matures
I don’t think I understand how they are dying?
Oh, for humidity I throw in 3litres of water jugs.
I don't have full control as in a tent but surely it shouldn't be this tricky.
That's why I'm in the newbie section. It's 4 inches tall and it's painfully slow. If that's fine then OK. Never used to be like this as I remember. Was constantly adjusting lights and re potting. Anyway. I will persevere.
That's why I'm in the newbie section. It's 4 inches tall and it's painfully slow. If that's fine then OK. Never used to be like this as I remember. Was constantly adjusting lights and re potting. Anyway. I will persevere.
You could literally grow a dozen seed plants and never get the same results
You start with good stock and hope for a dime
You can’t measure seed grows against each other due to different phenos
Clone to clone is the only true measure
I think your plants look ok a lot healthier than many and just let foliage catch up to pot size before transplanting again
I f transplanting to soon it waits till it builds up more roots before adding foliage
I’m guessing you can be giving it to much love and transplanting to soon
Rootbound is mostly a myth
People look at the bottom of a rootball and do silly things
Good luck