slow growth?



i started growing my auto seeds 6 days ago. i started them in the pots that they will finish in. i have two fans in the room. 200w cfl blue light and 200w cfl red light 3 inches above seeds and 6 seeds growing. after 6 days they still have the shell on them and the roots have grown like half inch surely this isnt normal. any ideas. using plagron royal mix. added a picture mainly for set-up as you cant see whats growing due to them being so small



Well-Known Member
Some seeds just hang on to there helmet longer you should be fine.
You will get alot better light if you hang those lights horizontal,almost
all the light goes from sides.


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
whats your temp. inside the room? cool temps will slow growth.

do you mean you stem has only grown 1/2" ? your not digging them up to check root growth?

i usually consider the first week or so after it pops through the soil, the seedling stage, and its growing roots.

be carefull not to overwater and have some patience. they will start growing soon.


Active Member
big mistake to do that. you will end up stunting them. you can carefully pry apart the shell to expose the leaves, i have done that before, but uprooting them is a big no-no, the hairs on the root will get damaged doing that.


Well-Known Member
You need to keep the humidity up. Keep the dome on / keep spraying.
Seed cases will stick to cotleydons in low humidity.
DON'T try and pick them off. Certain death.


Well-Known Member
OK. I admit CERTAIN death is bleak. Say 50%.
I was just trying to stop you doing it.