slow growth


Hey , im at my Witt's end here and just cant get to the bottom of it. My plants are growimg so slow its just not right. 1.2 tent inside of a shed . 600w dual spec light with 6" outake and 5" intake . water around every 3 days once with nutes then next time without . first i started off with crispy yellow leaves , changed the water and they came back to green . iv always struggled with temps , but now its around 21-30 . i have a friend who took 2 of the plants and they shot up straight away and are already bigger than mine ?? Wtf . on top of that his room is actually hotter than mine . the difference is that he is sleeping with his . im using spring water which is at 200ppm ph to 5.8 in coco . could it be co2 deficiency as the shed is closed around the tent ? Any ideas would be appreciated because actually contemplating stopping the whole thing . thanks guys


Well-Known Member
I meant a pic of the set-up, not just the plants.
I was interested mainly in how you got your air exchange set up.
If it is taking air in from a small enclosed shed into a smaller grow tent, then blowing the exhaust back into the small shed... then yes, it may be a lack of fresh air.

Is that the only thing you are doing differently than your friend?
Lights, Nutes, Etc all the same? .. but your friend has got fresh air in, and not circulated?

I am a soil guy, so I can't really offer any advice on the medium, and feedings.
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He used a small watt cfl bulb , and was using no nutes , and still had a much better grow . they are starting to go yellow im guessing my last feed was too strong although it was lowet then the stated dose


Well-Known Member
Hey , im at my Witt's end here and just cant get to the bottom of it. My plants are growimg so slow its just not right. 1.2 tent inside of a shed . 600w dual spec light with 6" outake and 5" intake . water around every 3 days once with nutes then next time without . first i started off with crispy yellow leaves , changed the water and they came back to green . iv always struggled with temps , but now its around 21-30 . i have a friend who took 2 of the plants and they shot up straight away and are already bigger than mine ?? Wtf . on top of that his room is actually hotter than mine . the difference is that he is sleeping with his . im using spring water which is at 200ppm ph to 5.8 in coco . could it be co2 deficiency as the shed is closed around the tent ? Any ideas would be appreciated because actually contemplating stopping the whole thing . thanks guys
If PH isn't an issue then move one of them to another room or outside for a couple days and see if the fresh air is the issue. I don't think it is though. It looks like nutrient lockout for some reason. What are you feeding them exactly and do you know your soil ph? Are there any amendments to the soil?


Im using coco . and i ph the water to 5.8 i have a feeling i have over watered them too . but would the air circulation be the problem that they are growing very slowly


Well-Known Member
First off your plant are way to small for the pots.I see this so often, transplant early and often my rule is if i have to water everday it time for transplant.What is your r/h ? Needs to be under 60% in veg, lower in flower.i will transplant 4-5 times from clone or seed to flower..i am in coco as well


It varys , after i water them it goes up to like 80% . i read that transplanting a lot is not good ? So would you say its a sign of overwatering ?


Iv managed to get more air in circulation from a window which may help i guess. Rh is mainly around 40-50% except for the day i water them . i even put a home made co2 bottle in there today too , which im guessing is a load of bull but thought id try it what can i lose


Well-Known Member
Why is transplanting not good?bad info.Start small work your way up,Root growth explodes in coco,with each transplant,you have to run a low ec nutes through the coco before transplants as well.


I read it stresses the plants. You see this is the problem iv honestly spent days revising solutions and everytime i seem to find an answer someone else has a different opinion. I have a friend who transplants straight into big pots and hes never had a problem but iys personal preference i guess. Its my first time so its just teething problems i guess. Its just so tedious as im trying hard to get it right.


Well-Known Member
Did you rinse your coco?do you run to waste everytime you water?do you use coco specific nutes?do you have a EC meter?i use root excellerater (H&G) when in veg and a couple of weeks into flower,it really establishes a root ball,works well for me anyway.Do some reading,there is a good thread over at icmag about coco.I am surprised that there is not much good info here about growing in coco.good luck


Well-Known Member
Use H&G it works great make sure it is coco spec.Again your plants are way too small for the container needs to be rectified.