Slow/poor growth. Don't know why.


-Unknown strain. Just a single seed I found in some bud.
-Miracle-Gro organic potting soil cut ~40/40/20 with some generic topsoil and sphagnum moss
-Ph , dunno
-4 26w 5500k and 1 18w 5000k CFLs
-Mid 70s day, high 60s night
-Humidity, dunno, but I keep a little mug of water in there

Trying to sort out some problems with this thing, it's just not growing well.

Here it is two weeks ago:

And here it is now:

I've had a few problems. Fans didn't kick on one morning, burned the leaves a bit. Had to go away for a few days, so sat it outside and got some stretching, which may have been exacerbated by my lights not being close enough. May have damaged the roots a bit when I first transplanted it (planted it in a tiny styrofoam cup on a whim one day, not thinking that it would quickly outgrow that). Initially had my little box lined with foil, which I have since covered with white cardstock. But I've got all these things sorted now, and my little plant, though somewhat the worse for all that, seems to still be alive at least. It just really isn't growing much. Does it appear to be on the road to recovery, or is there some other glaring problem I'm overlooking?


I should probably read all these threads a bit closer... It looks like maybe nitrogen deficiency? Probably because of low pH?

I guess I'd better go pick up a cheap soil pH tester.

If that's the prob, though, is baking soda a safe or good way to raise it up a bit?


Active Member
youre doing something really fucked. Its too small for the nute def. Is your soil loose? It should not be compact, maybe try adding alot of perlite, id say like 30%-40% perlite. Idk if this is overwatering or ph or something else, but you're doing something fucked and this plant is already screwed for life.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
It looks like really bad genes. That little guy is mutating bad. I would burn it and never speak of it again. Yes, bi-carb is fine.

Nothing wrong with starting off in a small cup.



Thanks for the info, folks. I may keep it around a few more days just to watch what happens, but it'll in all likelihood find itself gone before the end of the week.

Really didn't care much for the bud it came from anyhow.