slow year?


Well-Known Member
Anbody else having a slow year with their veggies? All my plants are doing great (with the exception of my cukes that seem to be dying off for some reason) but nothing is ripening. Got plenty of tomatoes but it seems they've been green forever. Peppers are just now starting to flower. All I've harvested so far is a small amount of green beans and three zucchini. Very frustrating garden year.
i live in southern california where it never rains, then out of nowhere a huge thunderstorm came and ruined my jalapenos last weekend. Guess this is not really the same, but a rough year for my garden just the same. Literally used a bucket to bail the water out of them :( and then I just put new soil in and am hoping they recover.
Not here, I have harvested tomatoes twice and peppers have been harvested 4 times and i am gearing up for next one.
About 5lbs of tomatoes each cycle off of 7 plants that were volunteers from last year. in a 6'Lx3'wx1.5'd raised bed. The peppers have produced about 1.5 lbs each so far. same size box but one half was cucumbers. The lack of extra water caused the onions to be a lower yield this year, I planted around 45-60 and harvest only 25 that were worthy of putting away. The smallers I used in pickle jars, with elephant garlic, red and white onions, local peppercorns, with pickling cucumbers.
The kale and the brussel sprouts aren't, but it is getting hot and my luck is running out :)

[My beans were well behind this year and haven't done shit, but it is in a new spot too....Thanks Fukushima :peace: ]

Anbody else having a slow year with their veggies? All my plants are doing great (with the exception of my cukes that seem to be dying off for some reason) but nothing is ripening. Got plenty of tomatoes but it seems they've been green forever. Peppers are just now starting to flower. All I've harvested so far is a small amount of green beans and three zucchini. Very frustrating garden year.

It is an odd year for my garden.
My acorn squash started to die a few weeks ago for no apparent reason.
That plant was around 20 feet long and climbing the fence then started to yellow. wtf?

Tomatoes are still climbing and green, but that's normal for another week or two.
Peppers are going crazy, all colors and many flowers.
Corn should be ready in 2 weeks.
It is an odd year for my garden.
My acorn squash started to die a few weeks ago for no apparent reason.
That plant was around 20 feet long and climbing the fence then started to yellow. wtf?

My cucumbers are doing the same thing. The vines exploded and were doing great and as soon as I started getting cukes the vines started dying off. They are half maybe less of what they were. Very frustrating.