Small 09 grow question,midwest


Active Member
i have a few small indicas growing outdoors. i planted them in the begening of summer and their not as big as they should be. on average they are about a foot and a half tall, and not bushy at all. their in big enough pots, i know that for a fact. they get enough sun a day too. at first i thought they were streched from not enough direct sun light but getting them more sun didnt help. any help would be great!


Well-Known Member
i have 1 indica in the midwest but it only gets a little sun light. i didnt mean to plant it with that much cover but it`s turned out very well 4 ft. are you near kansas. what are else are you doing to keep them alive. nute, water times etc.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
i actually live in wisconsin
check your PH. it sounds like it has nute lockout. normally, if it's been growing that long and not actually getting any bigger, then it's not eating, thus you have lockout from incorrect PH levels. hope this helps!:mrgreen: