Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal


OK so heres a few pics of her shes getting so big lol

and theres little bud sites too!!

i recently just talked to a friend thats got a pretty good sized pc case he's gonna give me for free that im gonna gut and use for my next grow its prolly just a few inches shorter than the box that im using ill post some pis of it when i get it

till then here she is!



Well-Known Member
Foogetaboutit! :) Looking good man, looking reall good.
So you plan on doing a PC grow? That's a good idea and you can certainly build a nice personal stash that way.
If that's what you plan on doing I suggest you read a member thread named V12. He's an expert on PC grows and can help you throughout your process of setting up.
Ill get his link for you. Trust me when I say he's the fucking man whenit comes to this.


Foogetaboutit! :) Looking good man, looking reall good.
So you plan on doing a PC grow? That's a good idea and you can certainly build a nice personal stash that way.
If that's what you plan on doing I suggest you read a member thread named V12. He's an expert on PC grows and can help you throughout your process of setting up.
Ill get his link for you. Trust me when I say he's the fucking man whenit comes to this.
Nice thanks man ill for sure check him out when you get that link!!!

i cant wait till harvest its lookin better everyday!!!


Thanks guys!!!

BTW today is 5 weeks into flowering.... does she look on track???

and i put some mylar on the back side ill post up some pics later!


Well-Known Member
Good shit man, nice video :)

Did you check out the link? Make sure you hop on that. Its the perfect thread to get you on track for your PC grow ;)