Small Brown Spots


Active Member
I'm about a week into growing, and I'm getting a small brown spot on two of my plants. Im thinking that its probably over soon..any suggestions at to what it could be?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Mr. Big Chill,

Do you see any bugs on the under side of the leaves?

Are you PHing your water?


i look forward to the pictures!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I get these tiny black bugs from time to time, and that's what they do. I just leave them alone cause they don't really do any damage


Uses the Rollitup profile
If they're regular gnats, they won't hurt much. If they're a little bigger, and look like little flies, then they are fungus gnats, and those can hurt your plants roots.

Buy or make a yellow sticky trap, and place it near the bugs. When you catch one you can get a good look at it.