Small Cab, CFL, Cheese, Cali and others


Well-Known Member
here's a small cab grow with a greenhouse cheese femmed, dynafem cali hash femmed and three random bagsies...oldest is cheese at 28 days, cali at 23, two bagsies at 21 and last bagsie at farms soil, plain water since inception, LSTing on femmed, topping or fimming on bagsies. bagsies will stay in what they are in...again going purposely for smaller here, femmed ones will stay in their containers too. did 18-6 for approx two weeks, been at 12-12 for almost a week now...thanks for looking...peace:leaf:



Well-Known Member
been a long time since I updated this grow. All the bagsies were male...but my feminised Greenhouse Cheese (day 43 from seed, day 12 of flowering) and feminised Dynafem California Hash (day 36 from seed, day 9 of flowering) ones are looking pretty good. Temps were a bit high in this cab but I seem to have improved it a bit. I really need to add another exhaust fan and filter. The flowers on the cheese got a little cooked two days ago...i hope they respond to the cooler temps I now have going on. So, first two pics are of cali, the last is of the cheese. This will be my Christmas weed, figuring harvest end of November, drying and curing and smoking the bud come Christmas and New Years...peace:leaf:



Well-Known Member
hey growspace...thx for looking. right now i've got five 23 watters in there. i realise it's not enough for two bushy girls, but until I can add another exhaust fan I am hesitant to put more in there as the heat goes right up...i should have time next week to add the additional fan - it's a bit of an effort, it'll take me around 4-5 hours to do it right cuz i exhaust into my closet wall behind the cab, which then vents up to the attic. i'll prolly take time to add another passive air intake and make a decent light baffle for it. thanks again for coming by...peace:leaf:

grow space

Well-Known Member
good luck with that new exhaust building project mann....
Im growing with 6 no wait 7:lol:(baked) 26 watters in my shed..Only prob is that it gets so so cold..
oh, and where i live its like a fucking chernobl, there are no 6500 k cfls, only 2600ks, so i have grown with those till the start(growing white widow)...
But i just got myself some hardcore t8 fluros-3 sets(one set takes 2 fluros, each 58 watt) cool things are looking up.

Stay high bro....


Well-Known Member
hey all,

updates of cali-hash plant at flower day 16, first three pics. next four pics is the cheese at flower day 13. then a pic of the twins, cuz up close right now they look like the same plant, it's pretty amazing how similar they are. this is my first attempt with decent genetics, and holy f*ck does it make a difference. both these girls have quite a few bud sites (for a small cab grow) that my biggest challenge now is trying the get the most out of these two under CFLs in a small cabinet in which I've had heat issues. I had a day earlier this week when my thermometer clocked in a max temp of 100.1F. The cheese pistils looked cooked, and cali didn't look much better...i added a passive slot in the bottom rear of the cabinet about 1.5 inches high by 8 inches long. my max temp since then has been 81.4F, usually stays around 78-79F so I think I solved that one. They appear to be recovering...phew! This is my christmas smoke so I want them to do well. peace:leaf:

