Small chunks missing from new growth


Active Member
So I've noticed recently that some of the new growth on my white widow has very tiny little chunks missing. Only on the tiny leafs that are just popping out. I've looked over nearly everywhere and no sign of any sort of bugs, and its strictly isolated to the tiny leafs just popping out, and even then, its just a couple of them.
Dont ask me how, but today I did realize that somehow I had my lights hanging about 5 inches lower than I should. 2 300 watt leds. Could it be some sort of result from that? It doesnt seem likely but it's worth considering I guess.
And also, very few of those tiny new leafs, have slight yellow/faded green on the very tips of them. I'm not too concerned about that since its literally on like 2 leafs lol, but I figure the two problems may be related?
One more thing. It's possible I may have been a little rough pulling them through the scrog board and maybe damaged them.
And I guess while I'm here I'll ask a couple other noobie questions someone might feel like answering.
I read somewhere that string and wood can be bad for scrogging because it retains moisture and can cause mold. Is this significant risk, or just some perfectionist trying to nitpick at every possible flaw?
One more thing. It's possible I may have been a little rough pulling them through the scrog board and maybe damaged them.
And I guess while I'm here I'll ask a couple other noobie questions someone might feel like answering.
I read somewhere that string and wood can be bad for scrogging because it retains moisture and can cause mold. Is this significant risk, or just some perfectionist trying to nitpick at every possible flaw?

Definitely can happen being too rough, mine do it occasionally if im rough on it. Doesn't seem to affect anything though, just has a few wee holes or cuts.
Not sure on the string, wouldn't imagine it would be a problem unless it got sprayed with water then possibly.
Thanks for the response man!
Yeah I'm thinking that's got to be what caused it. After thinking about it, it's only on the tallest ones that I've pulled through the scrog board a couple times