Small Clone


Well-Known Member
its not too small ata ll, ive gotten smaller ones from the clinic, it looks very healthy and it has like 7-10 leaves on it, throw some light on that baby and let her roar!


Well-Known Member
I've had clones for over two weeks and they are just that size now. When I got them they were just twigs with about 6 leaves. Not too small at all in your case, rather well-developed IMO

Rob Raw

I got it from a local clinic, it had well developed roots in the 16 oz cup, transplanted it into a 1 gal bag using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil 2 days ago.

Any opinions about the lower branch and when would be a good time to top her? I was thinking I could start another plant from the lower branch... not sure as this is my first attempt at growing anything.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to take clones from that one I would wait a little bit. Let it veg out for a bit and get some new growths on it before you take any cuttings for clones

Rob Raw

I was planing on waiting a week maybe two. At that time, do you suppose I would be ok to cut the bottom branch and top it at the same time?


Well-Known Member
i would wait at least one week before taking the clones. at the moment it is probably going through shock, due to it having been moved and light conditions have also been changed.

it's not too small like you say, most clones are about that size, if not smaller.

Rob Raw

Thanks, I appreciate everyones advice. Here's a current picture of my little girl, I potted her one wee prior to this picture.