From what i have done, 2 a light from DE is very easy with a 4-5 week veg and co2 supplementation.And congratulations on the three a light.
Hopefully I get it now that I have the double ones LOL
If not I might just try some PGRs lol....
A lot of people struggle to even get one per light.
I get 1.5 in 9 weeks Being totally neglectful.
I was just upset about how much bad information there is out there and I want to help people be able to get 2 per light easy.
I’m not looking to argue or for people to boast about how they get three or four A lite lol
I’m just here to give some reliable information and help those who have questions because when I first started I had a mentor. Chemist777
I’ve had a few 1200s , still use oneMy room has been between 72 and 79 for the past month.
I aim for
Veg 79 +/- 4 degrees & 60-75% humidity
Flower 77 +/- 2 degrees & 40-50% humidity
Drying 60 degrees & 60% humidity
Currently not running any dehumidification except mini split. Just ordered two Drizaire 1200s which do 132 pints day each max
Dehumidification is a big thing at the end of flour. Don’t underestimate what I can do for you.
I’ll take my gallons a day in water that I feed the flower room and multiply that by eight and that will tell you how many pints you should need. With respect to mini split Which removes a lot but if you have air cold hoods Things are a little different
I’ve had a few 1200s , still use one
The Quest 105 are a huge step up .
What are you running for CO2 ppm?
The Quest pulls more water with less amps
And the Quest runs less to keep the RH% the same as the 1200
And the 105 is whisper quiet compared to the 1200. I also prefer the filters of the 105
Down side , the pump is not included
( I switched to gravity drain waiting for the pump, because the company forgot to put it in the order.) I like this better, less watts , less to heat up, less to break.
There is know visible hour meter,