small grow operation


Active Member
i'm a college student and I'm looking to basically grow enough weed to sell a little bit over an ounce a week for the first two months of school (8 weeks). ounce for business, the extra for me and my friends.

that article on how to grow marijuana was fascinating (a great read and a superb effort, thanks) but i had a feeling it was wayyy too complicated for me and what I plan to do. I basically want to be able to have my own supply...give friends an ounce cheap so they can sell it and make money..what materials and such should i look at?

I posted an "equipment" thread and i thought that what i found online would be good enough for what i wanted to do. I'm not looking to grow a killer strain of weed. We're college students and even if the weed is "alright", i hope to have enough of that i can smoke as much as I want and (again) sell it to my friends for cheap so they can in turn sell it to kids at school.

The school i'm at is a goldmine for selling weed. kids don't know what a good deal is most of the time, and you can sell .7 grams for 20 bucks. My incentive is to but about a gram in and sell it for 15 (incentive plus being sick of being ripped off last year). i figure with that plan it'll be enough to keep kids around the dorm interested. Even if after two months i decide to pack it 200 bucks an ounce to my friends i stand to make plenty of money.

Alright i hope i haven't wasted your time. I'm researching this site heavily (it's amazing) and I hope you all can point me in the right direction.

So long story short..looking for a small time operation to pretty much be able to sell over an ounce a week.

edit: i'm also wondering how long it takes to grow? when should i start it to have it ready but the first week of September? now i'm researching this on the site but i figured i'd ask just in case someone answered me while i was researching..thanks!


Well-Known Member
Well man i dont really think it be a good idea selling weed in School Especially in College you can get in some serious trouble, but hey its your decision i can help you out with this website where you can buy EVERY kind of piece of equipment you would need for growing but some of them do have a pretty fat price tag on them.....Sunlight Sheds Hydroponics Systems

Im actually doing a My first grow right now (Outdoors) so i cant really help you with most of the questions you asked


Active Member
yeah i've considered the risks at school, but on my floor alone we had six dealers, not one of them caught the entire year, and they always had their supply with them. i'd be giving my friends ounces at the most...thanks for the site man


Well-Known Member
Damn i only knew 1 dealer who i bought from he was reliable, He sold me fat sacks (Nothing special just Regs) but he got caught about a 1 month ago, and im pretty sure he got caught with more than 20 grams cause that dude would carry One big sandwich bag with a bunch of little dime and nickle bags inside of the big bag lol, damn i havent smoked in a good week.....


Active Member
there were idiots in our dorms like that...they would get caught too doing stupid shit like that. i'm never going to have more than an ounce on me (hopefully).


Active Member
Seriously think about what you're planning on doing. You're going to college for a reason, GROWING and SELLING weed on campus is ridiculously stupid, and 99% of people on this forum will tell you that. If you get caught, you're more than likely going to be expelled, regardless of whether or not you have under and ounce on you. Under and ounce may be a misdemeanor by law, but your school is going to expel you for the drugs, regardless of the amount.

Most people on this forum don't grow for profit, we grow for personal use. Also, you're not going to be able to have a harvest ready by the first week of September - at least not one worth mentioning at all. Do some research, read the FAQ's and read other people's threads. But that's all the advice I'm going to give so long as you're planning on selling :-/


Active Member
i do have my own apartment thats not on campus..just thought i would throw that out there. i didn't mean to make anyone think that i would be doing this in a dorm room. My college is horrendous when it comes to dorming and off campus living, so everyone is out for themselves when it comes to apartments. i spoke to the people who live above me and they're marijuana "enthuisiasts"(thats how they put it) and wanted to help.

and i want to make it known that i'm not looking to become some marijuana kingpin - i am growing it for personal use..but i'd like to at least sell some of it on the side.

so with that in the "equipment" i suggested good for what i plan on doing?


Active Member
well the skymall garden was about 70 dollars, and the water misting..thing...was about 46. i think two hundred dollars would be my ceiling. i have the remote control timers (my dad is an engineer..he has so many electrical crap laying around the house)


Active Member
Listen - if you're deadset on doing this in a college environment, you seriously need to think about who you tell about this little project. You know kids are getting caught for drugs everyday on college campuses and you know they're being pressed for who they bought the drugs from.

Picture this: You're friends with Bobby Joe, who knows all about and helps with you're small grow op - Bobby Joe gets trashed one night at a kegger and happens to tell Sam, a close friend of his. You don't know Sam, but he seems harmless enough and Bobby Joe swears he won't tell anyone. Well, the next week Sam gets caught with a dime-bag by campus police, who tell him he'll be expelled unless he tells them where he got the weed. Well of course Sam doesn't know the name of the guy he met in the gas station parking lot the other night, but he does know YOU are growing weed. Next thing you know you're fucked, out of school, have a serious felony on your record and can't get a job.

Just think about it. Kids, specifically college kids aren't going to give a damn about your safety when it comes to growing, they're just going to think it's cool and tell everyone they can. #1 rule of fight club, don't tell ANYONE about fight club...


well... go to High Tech Garden Supply
pick up a 400w hps setup for 140 (after shipping)
with the remaining 60

uh, pick up some pots (dolar stores have square ones usually!)
pick up some "soilless" potting mix... with perlite and whatnot in it (any gardening center should have something like that)
and pick up some nutes... read around for what you want
and in 4 months you can make your first harvest...

pick up some cfls a month down the road also
then take clones... start a continous grow
every two months or so you'll be able to harvest

you might be able to pick up some seeds to, or just use some good bagseed

hope this helps, best of luck!!!


Active Member
listen man i hear you - and i think about it every day.

i don't want to be some idiot that ends up like the rest of them. i'm seriously talking about at the most four plants at all times in my possession. i'm absolutely concerned about bobby joe telling sam and sam getting caught. i've thought many times about selling only enough to even out the cost of everything initially, then just selling it to my friends. more likely that is what's going to happen. i'm not looking to have a grow room, i'm not looking to be fancy..i'm looking to grow some average/good weed and just enjoy it.

but i thank you very much for at least trying to help.


Active Member
It's always better to ere on the side of caution, especially when you already have people around you who know about your plans.

But like the other guy said, the HTG system would be your best bet. I would get their ultimate system which includes a 400w MH and HPS bulb for around $165. Can't beat that anywhere. Purchase the Fox Farm 3pack of organic nutes from there as well (tiger bloom, big bloom, and big grow), and pick up some potting soil (NO nutes in it) to start your seeds in, and then make your own potting mix for after your first transplant (with added perlite, vermiculte, ect ect). Don't plan on harvesting the first week in September, even if you start TONIGHT, you'll never be able to harvest by then any decent yield. Growing takes patience - better to wait it out, then only yield 1/2 of what you would had you held back another 2 weeks.


Active Member

I guess it could be of some help, but with a $200 budget, I wouldn't recommend it. You should be watering your plants by hand to get a feel for how they react to certain amounts of water. You first grow is going to be a lot of trial and error, and you'll have no way to tell what to set that machine at without watering by hand for a while first and gaging the results. Stick with a CFL/HPS or MH/HPS setup and focus more on finding good soil and nutes than automatic watering devices.

The plants should be your babies, and are going to require a lot of attention.


Well-Known Member
Well man i dont really think it be a good idea selling weed in School Especially in College you can get in some serious trouble

I chopped a hp a week at my school pretty much every year... maaad cash however the shit i grab isn't grown by me in particular, good luck man, theres lot's a business out there, especially college but its big risk considering you can lose a shitun of cash if you get caught/rejected from your school and losing a years worth of college funds and charged. So theres a high stake, win big or lose big, it can be pulled off successfully, you just have to figure out quick ways to chop bud without being too bait about it. Basically don't be a total moron about it and totally bait yourself out with chops and never carry any more on you than you kno u can get rid of fast


Active Member
Well man i dont really think it be a good idea selling weed in School Especially in College you can get in some serious trouble, but hey its your decision i can help you out with this website where you can buy EVERY kind of piece of equipment you would need for growing but some of them do have a pretty fat price tag on them.....Sunlight Sheds Hydroponics Systems

Im actually doing a My first grow right now (Outdoors) so i cant really help you with most of the questions you asked
I was considering that brand too, but then I found and thought they had better units. Went with the Flowering Chamber instead...


Well-Known Member
I did not read all of this thread but I read enough. The first thing you need to do is learn how to grow....if you dont have any experience in doing so. First off, I dont see how you can be successful at selling at the first time around, I dont care how much money you have to throw at it. I am 36 and I am on my first "real" grow. There is no way in hell I could expect to make money with this, but I dont need the money, I am just tired of giving it away, thats why I am growing now. I grow for me and me only, and with only a couple of select friends that I will just give away to them. I am not a dealer nor do I intend to be, I will just give it away and share my bud with a few select friends. You must first learn how to grow properly before considering selling if that is your thing. To each their own I guess. But before you decide to just "grow a bud" you need to learn the science behind it before you even consider trying to grow and sell. Not saying I know exactly what I am doing, but my babies are doing well, and let me tell you....there is not a dime on this earth that will get me to sell it to you. Why? I am not a dealer and I dont need your money. 2, I think I can do better next time, and the time after that, and the time after that... you get the picture. Learn the art before you consider being a grower/dealer. Keep yourself out of trouble and hit the books and get a great job after you graduate, then you can do what ever you want....but set yourself up to have the best opportunities for your future. You dont need a drug bust on your record when looking for a job....BE SMART DUDE!!!!


Active Member
I did not read all of this thread but I read enough. The first thing you need to do is learn how to grow....if you dont have any experience in doing so. First off, I dont see how you can be successful at selling at the first time around, I dont care how much money you have to throw at it. I am 36 and I am on my first "real" grow. There is no way in hell I could expect to make money with this, but I dont need the money, I am just tired of giving it away, thats why I am growing now. I grow for me and me only, and with only a couple of select friends that I will just give away to them. I am not a dealer nor do I intend to be, I will just give it away and share my bud with a few select friends. You must first learn how to grow properly before considering selling if that is your thing. To each their own I guess. But before you decide to just "grow a bud" you need to learn the science behind it before you even consider trying to grow and sell. Not saying I know exactly what I am doing, but my babies are doing well, and let me tell you....there is not a dime on this earth that will get me to sell it to you. Why? I am not a dealer and I dont need your money. 2, I think I can do better next time, and the time after that, and the time after that... you get the picture. Learn the art before you consider being a grower/dealer. Keep yourself out of trouble and hit the books and get a great job after you graduate, then you can do what ever you want....but set yourself up to have the best opportunities for your future. You dont need a drug bust on your record when looking for a job....BE SMART DUDE!!!!

This is probably the best advice I've heard. Honestly I have an apartment at school that is off campus and even though it is just me and a friend and he would be cool with it it really is a big risk in the environment you are in. Personally I would just grow for the personal use, and from all that I have read on this site you don't need all those fancy high price equipment. All you need is a closet some soil, a pot and a few cfl lights for each plant. Start small man, I would try and grow one plant and if you get it going well then take some clones off of it and repeat the process, get a couple grows under your belt before you try to make a go at dealing and keep your plant a secret, you never know who will just be like "aww man my dude has a plant, ,wanna go see it" you know. Best of luck with your grow just like everyone else said it takes patience, be safe man