small grow operation


Active Member
I wasn't able to start growing as the summer progressed. I'm a month into school here and dying to start growing and see what happens. I've since let go of my decision to sell. Here's where I need some education from everyone. I have a space of about five feet tall by four feet wide, about two and a half feet deep. the area is disguised behind the empty boxes of beer that my roommate and I have been stacking since the beginning of the year.

As much as I read the other threads out there about growing weed, I can't seem to find something that fits my situation. As you can tell by the available space I have, I'm not looking to undergo any huge project. Am I being way too naive in thinking that a light, a plant, and constant watering/attention is enough?

I know this going to sound crazy..but hear me out. Last year I lifted a brand new's an American traffic..cone i guess. it's about three and a half feet tall, cylindrical and roomy. My idea is to rig up a light up in the top, and put the plant at the bottom. I'll either lift the cone up over the plant to water it myself, or rig up some device. But basically that's my idea in a nutshell. Am I crazy? loco?