Well-Known Member
Friday 15th January 2010 10:00h GMT
Checked on the plants this morning they all love their new home, the trays get turned 180 degrees then the four trays get swapped positions clockwise every 6 hours. This is so they all receive the same amount of light throughout the cycle. Remember they love routine so once you have one dont change it. As for the seedlings next time I will remember to fill pots right to top so you can have them right between your fingers when you turn them upside down. Some of the seedling I planted got dropped covered in soil and stuck to bottom of container. Another tip is even if the seed dont pop through the soil after 10 days dont plant another seed. As you might get up one morning and fin 3 seedlings in the same pot like I did. I need to discover the sex as quickly as possible as I only have room for ten plants I have space for two mother plants at friends which should be fine on the windowsill. As long as they stay on 14 plus hours of light a day they will not try to bud until October. Cloning is next step 10 females straight after I crop this one in late May. I stopped watering my seedlings ten have had no water in 48 hours and the other ten 24 no water for 24 hours. As they are still small they dont need as much water as I have been giving them. I will wait until I see the plants telling me they need water before watering again. Just found out the strain of weed I am growing. El-nino indoor plant 700g yield 8 week to flower which makes this end of March for this grow which is 6 weeks sooner than I thought. As for mother plant a must now I know how bad the strain is (For all you Americans bad means good dam good). Should be 10 12 weeks for the clones my god what a bonus?
I am thinking about building a germination station for one male and one female for the El-nino seeds after the mothers life is up I dont want o be spending 180E for 5 seeds. So I want to make as many seeds as possible. Just trying to decide whether to cross bread the strain with say purple haze so I get the sweet treats of the haze as well as the smooth taste and high yield of the El-nino. Anybody have some information on this for me maybe some links?
The seedlings are doing very well they have fully recovered from their uprooting and transplanting technique I have yet to master (This felt wrong when I was doing it). I can now see fourth set of leaves on 5 of the El-nino seedlings the rest are on third with forth showing. I do think it takes 24hours plus for seedlings to recover as the first 10 leaf growth was amazing today. I am waiting for them to tell me they need water as 6 litres in 3 days between 20 seedlings and a budding female is strange so much water.
Well its nearly time for bush to get some sleep after her usual photo shoot (Well its my first baby). I got some weed today that smells so much like bush I took a photo in case someone can identify it. I got bush out of the grow room and she smelt beautiful so I touched one off the leafs my god my fingers are still sticking to the keyboard as I type. The guys are right in this forum a higher temperature at night helps it to produce resin as she stinks and leaves are all tacky.
Checked on the plants this morning they all love their new home, the trays get turned 180 degrees then the four trays get swapped positions clockwise every 6 hours. This is so they all receive the same amount of light throughout the cycle. Remember they love routine so once you have one dont change it. As for the seedlings next time I will remember to fill pots right to top so you can have them right between your fingers when you turn them upside down. Some of the seedling I planted got dropped covered in soil and stuck to bottom of container. Another tip is even if the seed dont pop through the soil after 10 days dont plant another seed. As you might get up one morning and fin 3 seedlings in the same pot like I did. I need to discover the sex as quickly as possible as I only have room for ten plants I have space for two mother plants at friends which should be fine on the windowsill. As long as they stay on 14 plus hours of light a day they will not try to bud until October. Cloning is next step 10 females straight after I crop this one in late May. I stopped watering my seedlings ten have had no water in 48 hours and the other ten 24 no water for 24 hours. As they are still small they dont need as much water as I have been giving them. I will wait until I see the plants telling me they need water before watering again. Just found out the strain of weed I am growing. El-nino indoor plant 700g yield 8 week to flower which makes this end of March for this grow which is 6 weeks sooner than I thought. As for mother plant a must now I know how bad the strain is (For all you Americans bad means good dam good). Should be 10 12 weeks for the clones my god what a bonus?
I am thinking about building a germination station for one male and one female for the El-nino seeds after the mothers life is up I dont want o be spending 180E for 5 seeds. So I want to make as many seeds as possible. Just trying to decide whether to cross bread the strain with say purple haze so I get the sweet treats of the haze as well as the smooth taste and high yield of the El-nino. Anybody have some information on this for me maybe some links?
The seedlings are doing very well they have fully recovered from their uprooting and transplanting technique I have yet to master (This felt wrong when I was doing it). I can now see fourth set of leaves on 5 of the El-nino seedlings the rest are on third with forth showing. I do think it takes 24hours plus for seedlings to recover as the first 10 leaf growth was amazing today. I am waiting for them to tell me they need water as 6 litres in 3 days between 20 seedlings and a budding female is strange so much water.
Well its nearly time for bush to get some sleep after her usual photo shoot (Well its my first baby). I got some weed today that smells so much like bush I took a photo in case someone can identify it. I got bush out of the grow room and she smelt beautiful so I touched one off the leafs my god my fingers are still sticking to the keyboard as I type. The guys are right in this forum a higher temperature at night helps it to produce resin as she stinks and leaves are all tacky.