Small Hydro/CFL grow


Active Member
Alright so I have had a relatively small grow going on since late september ( 3 plants, 2 vegging and 1 flowering ) I believe the first plant (the flowering one) sprouted on 9/26 and the other two sprouted about a week later. The flowering plant was just a bagseed from some regos and the other two are supposedly gold kush, but i got them from my friend who doesnt know that much so I'm not totally sure, but they do seem to look a lot different than the regs plant. The leaves are fatter and the plant is bushier.
woop woop picture time
heres the regs plant when it was young. Initially there were two but one died early on. Its about 15 days old in this pic

heres the regs plant weeks later, flowering. I think this is from 11/7, I'm not sure how many days into flowering it is but i would estimate prolly just a few days.

here are some pics of the gold kush from about a week or so ago, there are two in one hydro pot, because I didn't have enough money to build another hydro bucket, so I'm not sure how they'll fare.

All of the pics I have right now are at least a week or so old so I'll definitely post some new ones soon. Earlier today I found some female preflowers on the flowering plant too :weed:

thanks for reading this and stuff! I'll keep you guys posted


Active Member
a couple more old pictures the first one is an early flowering pic of my girl and the other one is one of my gold kush plants like 2-3 days after I topped it, I accidentally FIMmed the other gold one..
Also, a couple more stats about the grow! On the flowering girl (which my friend named Taiwanna) I have 4 23w CFL's for a total of 92 watts and on the other two (which my friend named Lafawnduh and Shequita) I have 3 26w CFL's for a total of 78 watts on the gold kushh. The nutrients I'm using are BC Grow/Boost and Flower/Boost on the flowering one, and I also have a couple other nutrients for them (awesome blossom, thrive alive, sugar daddy, etc)

I'll have some new pictures soon, I dont think my camera is good enough to be able to see the pistils yet though



Active Member
Damn, what is that a monster? I'm definitely getting a hydro system.
haha yeah man hydro is great!

I moved the gold kush into the flowering room and changed nutes today, and took some pics

The short two in the the same bucket are the gold kush, the tall one is the female bagseed plant. I tried to take a pic of the hairs on her but I dont think they came out



Active Member
Would putting some of my 6500k lights on my plants do any good?
And also, how long at the earliest do you think I could harvest the little ones? I just found out I'm moving sometime I'm late january. The bigger one will probably be ready by then but I dont know if it's even worth growing the little ones anymore, what do you guys think?


Active Member
I moved the kush out of the room, its going to be taken away soon by a friend of mine because I cant grow it anymore, hopefully he'll take good care of it! I also got an extra light on taiwanna so the total is now 115 watts. Heres some pics, hopefully you can actually see the white hairs now

edit: also one more thing, I accidentally bent one of the stems yesterday really bad, it was like 90 degrees, I quickly fixed it and it seems to be doing ok but its only been a day now. Do you think that branch will die?

