Small indoor setup


Active Member
Forgive me if there's already a thread somewhere but I've been looking for a while and can't find it if it's there.

I'm looking to start a small personal supply grow indoors (say 4-6 plants or whatever I can fit into a small container without needing extra supplies to do so). I recently watched a video of a guy who had a setup in an egg box with white paper taped around the sides to reflect the light that was very very small but still had 8-10 plants in there. I would to set up something similar that would be very easy to maintain, while not skyrocketing electric prices and prevent me from putting out large amounts in materials.

As this would be a first time grow, if there is any suggestions you veterans would have for specifically a small grow like that, I would be greatly appreciative. I'm not worried about the whole "wasting time and effort" thing on such a small grow simply because it would be all I would need.

Thank you all very much in advance.


Active Member
Just adding if it wasn't clear, I would need to grow in a box, I can have it in a lightless closet that no one goes near, but as it has alot of things in it, I couldn't just clear the entire thing out and make it a grow room.

And also one MAJOR question I have is that I've read to start in a small pot/cup, then transfer, but I haven't noticed anything where it says what to transfer it to. If my babies are going to be in a box, what should I transfer them to after the small pot/cup stage.

In addition, the box I would be using has handle openings, would that be suitable for ventilation? Along with adding a fan on the side of the opening to add air flow and ventilate the excess heat out.


Well-Known Member
My advice would be to forget about the egg box, and especially the white paper, and instead just paint the eloset white, and use that. Is there any way to get air in and out of there?

As for transplanting from smaller pots, you should transplant into bigger pots. Do this a few times whilst they are growing, so they always have fresh soil to grow into when the rots have filled out the current pot size.


Active Member
I couldn't paint the entire closet white. I would need to use some sort of grow box that could reflect the light inside of there while still keeping it discreet. I have many small fans I'm going to use for airflow. Also, how should I be handling the plant during transplants?


Active Member
I got everything figured out on what I'm going to do. It'll be a couple weeks before I get started but I'll be starting a grow journal with pictures once I do. I've decided on the NLxSkunk strain simply because I'll be able to keep it small, and from what I gathered won't be too tough of a first grow.

I've read a couple times here that the strain I have chosen did not give too good of a smell/taste. Is this expected or was that because of the grow factors?

Thanks for the support whoever supports me :D


Active Member
and will 5 40w (200w eqiv.) CFL's work fine? I see people switching it up with different things but if it gives off both spectrum's, wouldn't the same lights work for both stages?


Well-Known Member
i grow 4 plants in a rubbermaid box with 3 40wat cfls.. good for personal stash.. ill take some pictures if your interested..


Active Member
Yeah actually that would be great to see some pictures of that. I came across this large wooden chest that I was considering painting the inside white and using that. That's all really I'll be looking to do which is grow 4-5 plants max for personal stash, really as many would fit in my area.


Well-Known Member
im not saying this is top of the line but i built it with tin foil, duct tape, and plastic cups.. i didnt really buy much. and it works.. if u use tin foil dont use the shiny side. the other side works better. i keep my plants short since its just for personal stash.. if u wanted to go for taller plants u could stack 2 of those rubbermaid boxes on top of eachother. hope this gives u some ideas.. good luck.. post pics of your setup when u finish it.


Active Member
That's a real neat setup. Especially for the small amount of materials required. What kind of yields are you getting with that setup?

Once I get my lights I'm going to set up my chest. It's pretty much about the same size as your rubbermaid. I'm going to paint the inside white for light reflection. I've already made the homemade carbon filter I saw in another thread. I got everything for about 15 bucks which is real nice. I'm not really worried about the smell but it was cheap enough that I figured I may as well. I'm glad that I got to see a lighting setup like that that works because everywhere I looked people were using $150+ lights and I really didn't think that would be necessary, at least at first, for just a small personal stash grow. It's roughly 2 feet tall so my understanding is that that would be fine as long as the strain was a typically short bushy one and I kept it topped and used LST.

Once I get it set up I'll take some pictures before I start and post them just to be sure that I have everything covered setup/material-wise before I begin the grow just to avoid the whole "oh wow I'm a fucking idiot" deal.


Active Member
How do you keep the height low so it doesn't out-grow the box?

Also, what strain are you growing in your box?

Good luck with everything and thanks for sharing the pictures.


Well-Known Member
i can get an ounce sometimes more.. it all depends on how many females i get.. its very possible to grow with our lighting.. my plants are starting to grow real fast and look great right now..

the current strain i got in the is early misty.. its a short growing strain. i restrict the roots to keep em short.. i use small pots, top them and if i have to ill use LST. i also can raise the lights up alittle letting the plants grow up a foot and a half.

im going to start a journal for this grow soon.. there starting to take off =)


Well-Known Member
i also flower them early.. when u flower they generally double in size so when they look like doubling the size will be just right.. i flower em.