Small leaves. Not bushy enough.

Hey! I've been growing 6 plants for about a month and a half now. 4 of them turned out to be male so I took them out. I'm in currently in the 3rd week of the flowering stage and the plants are about 11-12 inches tall. I had some problems with nutrient burns and the leaves turned yellow, so I flushed and now they're OK, except one thing - the lowest leaves of every plant fell of. But they look healthy. There's something that bothers me though - the leaves of the two remaining plants look kinda strange. Some of the higher leaves and some of the bottom ones are big enough but some of the leaves are just TOO SMALL. And the plants don't look bushy enough.
I got 5 100W fluorescent bulbs put in a way that helps the plants get light everywhere. The soil Ph is 6.5. I haven't measured the water's Ph though.

Here are some pics, hope you guys can help.



If you've been flowering for three weeks you're doing something wrong. Possibly light leak?
yeah, light leaks not good.
they dont look bad, it looks to me like the little stuff is newer growth right?
get some green lights to work with while they sleep.
if you are seeing some pistils popping out you're ok.
just dont do anything DRASTIC and they'll be fine.
but thats just me

Call me a noob but what's a green light?
P.S. Imma post some closer pics later cuz I have trouble identifying the sex on these two. Seems like there are some pistils popping but I'm not sure.


Call me a noob but what's a green light?
P.S. Imma post some closer pics later cuz I have trouble identifying the sex on these two. Seems like there are some pistils popping but I'm not sure.
lol no worries,
you can pick up a green flourescent light, or i think they even have reg bulbs. So like homeboy said, the plants do not absorb the grn color. then you can do some work if you have to when its dark time.
now this is a super basic non scientific theory, so here you go..... if you had an interruption during your dark hours in flowering.... its kind of like reseting the flowering clock. plus if i'm not mistaken, the plant can suffer some shock and may have adverse affects. so if you dont see them pistils yet, be patient.
maybe some more exp better explained peeps will jump in and help,
but thats my take.


Well-Known Member
Be patient, My plant has been in flower for 41 days, but it's only been 12 days from first hairs.
Nice positioning of the bulbs, but if the one in the pic is what you're using, I think you have 100w EQUIVALENT.
I got mine to show hairs at day 41 from the flip, with 98w of CFL's, but added 200w+ at day 55.(actual CFL wattage, not eq.)


Well-Known Member
You do have pistols but if you continue to have light leaks it could take longer for switch needs uninterupted sleep for 12 hours...just be patient you'll know for sure soon enough


Well-Known Member
Will do. Thanks!
What is the formula you usually end up with to feed while in flower?
I like the stuff with big numbers, like the MOAB, but I'm leery of using something like that when I feed every other, usually every time I water.
I only add Molasses 3, maybe 4 times throughout flower, but usually do something like 24-30-30, then 2 or 3 feed of 0-15-11, my waterings being every 4 days with new lights, and like I say, usually feed every time I water.
I only add vinegar when I water only, knowing my tap comes out at 7.8, but I recently checked my soil, and it is at 6.6
I always water about 2-2 1/2 gals. for a 5 gal. pot, and get plenty of runoff.
lol no worries,
you can pick up a green flourescent light, or i think they even have reg bulbs. So like homeboy said, the plants do not absorb the grn color. then you can do some work if you have to when its dark time.
now this is a super basic non scientific theory, so here you go..... if you had an interruption during your dark hours in flowering.... its kind of like reseting the flowering clock. plus if i'm not mistaken, the plant can suffer some shock and may have adverse affects. so if you dont see them pistils yet, be patient.
maybe some more exp better explained peeps will jump in and help,
but thats my take.
So you're basically telling me that if I get a green bulb for the main lamp of the room I can turn it on at night and it won't interrupt anything?

@Bakatare666 It's real wattage, bruh. I just checked :) Thanks anyway


Well-Known Member
My mothers get super small leaves sometimes when rootbound for long periods in small pots... a transplant to a larger pot, over time, has always straightened the problem out..
I have never had the problem in flower though.


Active Member
Honestly you wouldnt think 30 seconds of light will fuck with them but it definitely will.

As soon as I got a tent and had an enclosure 100% dark I noticed immediate flowering after day 1-2.

This was on 3 different plants, some that had been outside and one that was inside but not enclosed. They all are in Day 20 flowering and are starting to produce resin and plump up.

I tried growing inside without a tent and tried my absolute hardest to enclose the plant for sleep but plants are far to sensitive and you need maximum darkness or they wont grow properly/will hermie.

You're watering and feeding them correctly and they look healthy but personally id top/fim your plant atleast once before flowering if you want a better yield. You should also try supercropping and LST, that plant looks very healthy.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
You need better reflection of our lights they have them at Walmart, and no light never it can very easily cause them to hermi.