Small lower branches


The top of my plant is growing at a nice pace but my bottom branches are tiny! How do I make them grow better? I want to clone the plant


Active Member
than yes. the lower branches will grow slow.. put some lights on the bottom branches and they will grow faster


If your only worry about the size of the lower branches is because you want to clone... Don't sweat it. You can take small cuttings. I have rooted branch tips as short as 3 inches, stem diameter not even an 1/8th inch.

I won't lie. You'll have better success with a larger cutting, but it can be done.


Well-Known Member
Are the lower branches supposed to grow this slow?
Of course it is normal the part of the plant that has direct access to light is going to grow most the bottom gets less light hence the spow growth.. clones should have two sets of leaves and multiple nodes and lower cuts do root better...


Well-Known Member
your gonna wanna do some training if growing with cfl to make better use of your light i would choose lst here is my cfl grow

