Small Plant ......?


This is my 1st time grow. It seems to me, in comparison to other plants I've seen, mine is pretty small, and slow growing. Im using a cfl putting out 3700 lumens, white daylight. I leave it out in the sun during the day, and under the light at night. Its been growing a bit faster lately, but like I said, nothing like ive seen, and since its sprouted its been about 3 weeks at least! Any ideas, I use reflectors but Im tinking maybe its not getting enough light at night?
Yupp she gets that sun all day then goes under a weak light. She loves the sun. Can you leave it outside or do you want to grow it inside? The less stress the better!



Yupp she gets that sun all day then goes under a weak light. She loves the sun. Can you leave it outside or do you want to grow it inside? The less stress the better!

I put it out in the sun around 6-7 in the morning and leave it out, allowing the sun is shining and its not gloomy out, until about 9 at night, then back inside after that. The plant itself is full and thick thus far, but just seems short....?


SO the more I read the more things I believe I could be doing right!
I am Growing ONE plant, its surrouned by reflectors, and looks great lush and healthy!
Im usuing a 42watt CFL Daylight. Sometimes I let it sit in the sun!
Just wondering what i may be doing wrogn, the CFL gives off 3000 lumen
ANd like i Said White daylight!



New Member
The first few weeks will be slow because the plant is trying to establish a root system as well as growth on top. After a few weeks growth picks up. Some strains are slower to get going than others.


SoI left my plant on the window cill, and for some reason it totally droooped, like completely! Anyone know why it would do this ?


Sorry actually left it out on the picnic table....could if have gotten heat stroke, because it was a pretty warm day out?


Well-Known Member
your plant looks fine, nice & bright green. it's just a slow growing strain. Hard soil might also be causing stunted growth. you want a light airy soil that retains alot of moisture so the roots can grow.


Turns out the lil guy had some heat stroke. Brought it in and let it relax for a bit, and it picked right back up.. I also think hard soil has alot to do with it. When I transplant, im going to use far better soil! With better drainage and such!


Also from what you see in my pictures, when do you think I should be thinking about transplanting into a bigger pot, the last pot it will be in ?


OKay so I transplanted it into its last pot, when i took it out of the old pot its roots were pushed up against the bottom and the walls of the pot, so i figure it was time right ?
This is the new set up, I also bought another cfl that puts out 2600 lumen, while the other one puts out 2800. Should that be good and well enough? New Miracle grown potting soil and sheep lume. Also I mixed up gravel with it for drainage and so the soil doesnt harded up? heres some pictures!? I would like ideas of criticism please!!! THANKS


I dont know why its yellowing? It seems to me that its only the new leaves that are yellow then they get better as they grow? Could someone please help a brotha out?
I dont want it to get worse, or die on me!


New Member
New growth is a much lighter green. Is it very light green or actually yellow? Normally, when a leaf turns yellow thats it and it doesnt generally come back so i dont think your plant is growing dead and than reviving itself.