Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late


Active Member
So.. I have some girls goin out soon.. should I put them out now at half a foot tall, or wait till they get bigger and put them out on the longest day of the year?? im in southern canada btw.
So.. I have some girls goin out soon.. should I put them out now at half a foot tall, or wait till they get bigger and put them out on the longest day of the year?? im in southern canada btw.

its up to u
a- u have less sooner and can do another harvest sooner or work towards perpetual
b- u have more but wait longer - have more to last u till ur next harvest or profit
ok cool.. im only doing one crop this year outside.. thats about all we can do here in canada, so its ok if I wait till the longest day of the year june 21st I think.. then put them out when there monsters?? they wont be too used to the indoor environment by then?
ok cool.. im only doing one crop this year outside.. thats about all we can do here in canada, so its ok if I wait till the longest day of the year june 21st I think.. then put them out then there monsters?? they wont be too used to the indoor environment by then?

that sounds like a good plan, and no they shouldnt get used to being inside iv known several people who do exactly what ur going to do...
its either go 12/12 now and put them out when they show females.. risk hermie's or just wait till they show sex under 20/4 light
Put them out now. No artificial light will match the intensity of the sun atm, put them out they are big enough. Also they are much easier and safer to transport while small.
yea man unless you have some tinted windows rapist van how do you expect to move the plants? but maybe the site is easy to get to idk. but the sooner they go outside the better they become adjusted to outside conditions.
Oh I got that covered ;) truck with secret compartment... I cant put them out now.. I'm not allowed any signs of male whatsoever.. my dad is letting me use his land and he has been doin female clones for 20 years. anyways im just waitin for them to show sex and then there goin out.. if they dont show sex soon then ill be forced to 12/12 them and then reveg.
So the ultimate queston.. Should I go 12/12 now and then re-veg in a week when i see sex OR wait a few weeks and they might show sex then ???? .
bigger plants = less susceptible to slugs. slugs are their nemesis when they're small. i also live in southern canada.
well you live in southern canada, so we have about the same climate... are you putting some out this year and if so did you already ?
i'm not doing any OD this year, but generally plants are good to go outside after victoria day weekend, climate-wise.

are your girls half a foot tall single stalks, or half foot bushes?
and that was... what, 5 days ago now? so they're probably a bit taller now?
personally i'd grow them a *bit bigger before putting them outside but i've also had entire crops of starts *decimated* by slugs (that was on an island where there are HUGE banana slugs *everywhere*).... but, climate wise, you can put them out whenever you want now.

do you want/not want bushy?
I can let them get as big as they can.. I can't really top or lst them in that closet, cuz its allready packed, Yes they have gotten alot bigger I gave them there 3rd feeding today.