small plants???


Well-Known Member
i have 10 plants in a secrect jardin tent in a shed ... its like an outdoor grow cause temps get up to 90 in there.. heres the boy who is a good grower indoors lucky bastard came over and saw my plants and was like there doing bad...i mean there not dying their nice and green ,,just not growing fast like an indoor,,i see pics of guys seedling 2 weeks old and the leaves are huge it gonna be a problem or there just moving slow cause the heat??????????


Well-Known Member
Oh ok kool...thanks soloman i agree ...naw the lights arent burning much delayed growth we talking about here ???????? Am i a month behind in terms of growth because of heat basically


Well-Known Member
Oh ok kool...i fucked up i should have veg inside so could have strong leaves before i put them in african temps boy said i could transplant them back to lil pots we call them baby diapers ...but dam what a mission ...should i just leave in the big 3 gal pots and just deal with the heat and slow growth.. It aint no big deal i gotta get threw the summer anyways


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't transplant, just cause it's gonna stress em more then they already are. If anything drag em in, in the 3 gals and get em out of the heat


Well-Known Member
Shit i wish i could do that...but its a stealth thang you feel me...fuck it lets see if those belladonna ,,afghan,sweet bud live up to its names in terms of being outdoor and can take the heat