Small Seeds


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have grown before with auto strains like snowryder, mi-5, etc. I finally got my Auto #1's and they are small as hell! This strain is supposed to start flower from birth, so is that the reason seeds are sooooo tiny? I wanted this particular plant because supposed to have low odor and low space profile. Putting in an Aerogarden.


Well-Known Member
Well when my seeds came in a couple weeks back i thought as well they were smaller then usual. But they are growing just fine and dandy. Your just worried cause they are your babies, they will be ok :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
35 for 3 they better grow! One has a little nub showing, 2nd day germination. When I put them into cubes, I'll start my 1'st real journal. In the past I just posted pics.


Well-Known Member
That's a big read, thanks. My beans popped, got about 3/4" root on them. What about Auto #1? Your post mentioned auto's don't like constant water, what about hydroponics?


Well-Known Member
Well hydro doesn't necessarily mean they are getting water all the time. Hydro systems are usually setup to run every 3-4 hours. It gets watered more because theres not alot of grow medium to retain water (some growers dont even use rockwool cubes or w/e for their clones so no water can be held for the plant besides w/e the plant uptakes). Therefore making the need for them to water more frequently. As with soil, you can water the grow medium and it can stay moist for days. See the difference?


Well-Known Member
ive had some of the smaller seeds end up beasters
doesnt mean bad genetics
just my opinion


Well-Known Member
Yeah my one Xtreme is turning out like that. Thing is twice the size as the other 2 and smells very nice already to where the other 2 have no smell.


Well-Known Member
I have the aerogarden set up just to be a bubbleponics instead of the drip system with water hitting the root riot cubes and soaking them. Have a few practice seedlings from a killer bag, in the plugs now. Getting ready to place my newly popped auto's into riot cubes. The description says that these plants will start flower immediately. Should I just mix up the ph balanced big bloom, tiger bloom, and leave out the grow big? My mistakes with auto strains in the past were wrong combo of nutes, and keeping them too wet.
Edit- Just got them into cubes and into slots of aerogarden, pics coming up....


Well-Known Member
"instant flower" is usually around 5-7 nodes normally or a month and a half this varies its just a ballpark number
they still have a normal growth phase
seedling 1-3 weeks ,veg 2-5 weeks, flower 6 weeks or so expect a 10-12 week run even on the "8week" strains (this is also a breeder ball park number) will take at least 10 weeks

technical dan

Active Member
for your last question ^this. It is automatic not immediate..... the plant will flower on its own when it is ready...... automatically relative to photoperiods where the light must be dropped to 12/12(ish) to flower.

as with the size of seeds I have noticed that small seeds take longer to germ/pop but as long as they look good/mature they do fine IME
I have had big beans pop in under 24 hours and some lil ones take 2.5 days


Well-Known Member
I do agree that some can go longer than others, but I think the last 2 grows I waited too long. I watched the trichromes closely. It was good, just think I got a high medicinal strain as it wasn't a up high, just mellow and munchies. A friend had the Jack the Ripper seeds and she waited too long too. I told her to mind all the crystals as they changed color, but it turned not so good in the end. I look at the life cycle the breeders place on the strain and try to go by that too, but I know some seeds aren't going to be stable and predictable. I have had 3 1/2 week plants start showing, like the snowryder.