Small worm/larvae on cloning pods??


New Member
My buddy and I are new to the indoor scene and are having problems in our cloning tray. This is our second session with the tray. First attempt went well. Tray will hold 300 clippings in rapid rooter style pods. We did 120 and had 100+ root out very well. This was around fall time upstate. Our most recent attempt has not been so successful. It is taking several weeks for roots to form and we are finding that a lot of them are dying. Humidity has been very low due to the weather and we mist the plants and are creating a cover for the tray to try and create a more controlled environment for them but upon further examination I'm finding small worms or larvae crawling around many of the pods. I pulled a clipping out of its medium and discovered that what looked like root tips coming out of the stem was actually these little creatures wiggling their way in and out of the stem. Clearly this cant help promote root growth and if anything is directly contributing to our demise. Fruit flies have become present in the general area, another thing we are currently fixing, but I looked up larvae stages of fruit flies and it doesn't really look the same. These "worms" are about a 1/4 inch long, have a little black "period" where you would assume the head is, they are transparent, move just as an earthworm would and you can see the thin brown line of its innards. I am currently conducting a search of my own now but would greatly appreciate any insight anyone might have, this is the only real problem we've had to deal with, everything else looks absolutely wonderful. Thanks for your help! Will post pictures later when we can a good one with a macro ..... We have also converted over to rockwool blocks and a humididome for the time being, don't want to have to give the big tray up but if problems persist and the rockwool and dome proves to be a better option then we will just make the conversion.


New Member
Classic fungus gnats. Get some mosquito dunks from Lowe's or home depot, crush them and soak in water then introduce larval death.


Well-Known Member
Its fungus gnat larvae.

Clear translucent worms with black heads.

Mosquito dunks, products with BT ingredient, SPINOSAD.
