small yellow spots and tips are turning to brown

Hello guyz,

please take a look and advice, is it Nut burn ?

Its Sativa in vegetative stage "Around 1 month old", I transplanted the plant to a bigger pot 2 days ago.

thanks a for help

the 3rd photo is for another smaller plant

photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
I would appear so, you dont give any details as to feeding schedule or amounts, watering frequency, type of dirt, well anything at all. But if you suspect that thats what it is and the leafs are burnt on the tips then you probly got yourself a winner of a theory there. Flush hard to leach all those built up salts outta there and then take it easy on her. If your using rich organic dirt you can use way less fertilizer than youd think. Those bottles of nutes dont make nice plants, grower talent makes nice plants.


Well-Known Member
what size light you using and how far away and its probably nute burn along with heat stress or something.
i am using 400 HPS, its almost 2 feet away. using a very mild fertilizer 7-5-5 1/2 strength but i think last time i fed with a full strength then after a day moved it to a triple size pot with rich soil "Same soil was in before"

just flushed with ~6.5 water do you think this will help?


Well-Known Member
See the pic slipon posted of the nute burn where its doing the saw tooth thing? See where the leaf edges have even crisped up at the points? It looks alot like what your getting to me. And youve said that theyve been fertilized twice already and they look to be less than a month old...just looked back and you say around a month, so ya. Probably the fertilizer being high in nitrogen gottem. That full dose is probably needed in full flower when they can use all those nutes and theyre eating like champs.