Smallest Area To Grow


Well-Known Member
Im a university student and stuck in a small apartment with my girlfriend for the summer. Whats the smallest area youd need to grow a plant or two? Thanks in advance.

Im new to growing so I really just want to get my feet wet before I move out into a bigger place and try something more


Well-Known Member
you could grow a few little plants in a closet or something. Usually you'd probably want at least a few sq. feet.


Active Member
im growing in a little box about 17 inchs tall and 16 inchs wide and i got two plants in ther right now its only been a month but they are looking good

past times

Well-Known Member
i have grown a very nice and healthy plant in a cabinet i got from target or meijer or something like that. it is about 1x1x3. i had a 150 watt hps in the top with a pc fan blowing out at the top and passsive intake at the bottom (created by drilling 1 inch holes in the bottom corner. if the temp get too hot you can use a plexi glass piece to put below the bulb. if you do this you should leave a inch or 2 crack so air can still pass through the slot. with this you will only get one plant finishing. if i were you though i would start 2 or 3 in like a 6 inch pot. grow them to about 6 or 7 inches then top. let it recover for a week, then flower. once you find your best female, transplant to a bigger pot...square and relatively short was best, then just watch her grow

i used this back in the college days. i still use the room with cfls now for beginning veg and works like a charm....if you dont want to use hps, then you can get these fixtures at HD that have 3 sockets. i drilled those into the top and have up to 6 cfls in that 1sq. ft. area.

hope this is clear enough, but if you are thinking about going this route feel free to ask if you get stuck


Well-Known Member
wow thanks

i can get 1x1x3 easy

just a few quick questions

1) how was the smell?
2) what strain did you use?
3) did you just use soil?

past times

Well-Known Member
i think i used northern lights back then...whatever you do go with a predominant indica. the smell was strong, especially towards the end. youll have to do something about it...more then just candles or wall ionizers. i think there is a method with a bucket, fan on top and something in the bottom, forgot what it is called though (I know you can get it in the garden section at meijer so ill check on that). and i did use soil.

also, i did put the cabinet in a closet b/c it is hard to keep the thing light tight and not exactly the prettiest looking cabinet. it really is so small you can just tuck it away in a bedroom closet.

have you grown before?


Active Member
wow thanks

i can get 1x1x3 easy

just a few quick questions

1) how was the smell?
2) what strain did you use?
3) did you just use soil?

it only smells when ur flowering

i used some bag seed that i got from a bag that i bought

i used soil i thinks its easyer that all the other methods out there but if u wana spend money to get a nice set up u can


Well-Known Member
no this would be my first time, the only real concern i have is the smell

my gfs cool with growing just not smelling it all day :P haha


Active Member
I got this cabinet from a buddie put two pc fans in it and a three light vanity ballast that was $12 at HD. does well for me no carbon filter yet but wrkin' on it. doesn't smell to bad though. hope it helps. need any mre help hit me up!



Active Member
get a vapor oil odor control you cold order in hid hut .com you could get anything that you need there for your odor to your lights good luck


Well-Known Member
any pics of that 1x1x3 grow? im going to be trying something really similar, with a speaker of alomost those same exact dimensions and as you have a 150w hps. would be cool to see.

past times

Well-Known Member
been thinking, it is pretty technical to grow in a small space like this and might require a bit of experience. if you went with a lowrider strain, you can stay small, keep good yields, finish fast and not have to do anything like topping a training

past times

Well-Known Member
as far as pics i dont have any right now but i can probably get someones camera and see what i can do. wont be too soon because have a big exam tomorrow then its my bday weekend so i wont be sober till monday or tuesday.

heres my dog to hold you over though



Well-Known Member
whats a good low rider strain

i was thinking of getting the seeds from bc bud depot or nirvana seeds


also i start with a 6 inch bucket... and move to a 12 inch? or is that to big


Well-Known Member
I would love to see pics past times, I'm trying something very similar. How much CFM did you need to keep the 150 watt HPS cool?


Well-Known Member

monkey- your best bet toward highest thc or the buds that r going to get you as ripped as possible would be the whiterussiian lr, a cross between whiterussian, the highest recorded thc contented plant to date (acording to dr. chron)