Smallest flower possible...


Active Member
If i grow a clone in the flowering chamber, if I want it to grow into something that I can smoke what would be the characteristics that I would be looking for in it? EG. Stem thickness/strength, height, anything else? What should I be looking for?

Reason is, if I am going to go to the trouble and time of growing a clone I at least want it to produce some bud. Seems like a waste to me. I am thinking that the only way this would work would be 'sea of green' method which is to focus all attention on the cola? What are your opinions?


New Member
IMO, you need to do a lot of reading.

You need to know too much for me to tell you in one post. Tell me what you're doing, and I'll let you know if you're doing it right.

Be more specific...:mrgreen::peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
There are many ways to do this. I would suggest reading some growfaqs and doing som research on here before you get started. Have you ever grown anything before ie: gardening etc? :peace:


Active Member
ah. Im not growing yet, but this was the reason for my question. I watched dr chronics video and in it when he found out the sex of the clone he put in the flowering chamber he just threw it into the garbage. What my question is, is how big is big enough to have a plant properly flower?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
ah. Im not growing yet, but this was the reason for my question. I watched dr chronics video and in it when he found out the sex of the clone he put in the flowering chamber he just threw it into the garbage. What my question is, is how big is big enough to have a plant properly flower?
If you are certain it is female, you could flower here at 3 inches. To determine sex, you may have to grow it at least 6 inches I would think, getting lots of nods.


Active Member
what if I just wanted to grow 1 node (the cola)? And thanks!! You've answered my question :D


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
You have confused me now, You can't just grow a cola from node. Not that I aware of that is. I would think there has to be something to sustain it. You may to grow it up like 6 nodes before you start to flower it.


Active Member
Sorry, maybe its my definitions. My definition of Cola is that it is the top flower nearest the light? And node is where the flower stems from, the v in the stem?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Sorry, maybe its my definitions. My definition of Cola is that it is the top flower nearest the light? And node is where the flower stems from, the v in the stem?
The node is the part of the stem of a plant from which a leaf, branch, or aerial root grows. Each plant has many nodes.
Check out the attachement, it may help. :peace:



Active Member
Ill take pics of the grow when its done. Can't wait but its a long journey, but worth it! :joint::peace: