SMART Meters!


Well-Known Member
either way, you gotta smile when you look down and see YOU---------------------------------------------------------- HaHaHaHA Frikn Funny shit man...


Well-Known Member
I live in Sacramento, check this out.

Last month I got this letter from SMUD, Sacramento's city owned power co. It's about my power usage.

Please read closely at the line that says "Last month you used 378% More electricity than your neighbors". WTF!?!?!!??!?!!!??!

P.S. Damn I thought there were a lot more indoor growers in my neighborhood. The must have all gone outdoors! lol!

how many lights and how many watts?

378% more. lolol


Well-Known Member
Smart meters in a area where it is still illegal to gow is a BAD thing IMO. A 12/12 pattern looks awfully like terrorist activity and that will get your door kicked in.


Active Member
At SDGE there is teir charges according to useage so If u r a major user then u pay the most like .20$ a kwh or more for not being conservative with power


you guys arnt thinking what if you take your grow room split into two peices and run 2x lights one on for 12 hours other on for 12 hours so your always running a light then theres no 12 hour gaps its jsut constant consuption lmk what u guys think this is my plan
i dont care if southern california edison knows i grow or not. when they used to come door to door checking the meters one by one, they would know right away because my meter is in the back yard right by the greenhouse lol


Active Member
Really of your legal and atleast close to ur rec its should be ok. But u would want to use the most power during nonpeak hours like 8pm-8am so vegging is were the trick is if u use HIDs
yes. my rec is posted right next to the greenhouse. in plain view and a copy of my california id.

and yes, that is why my light is on from 7pm to 1pm. cheaper and cooler.


Lol! Laughing soo hard cuz I live in NorCal too, and this is what mine looks like, except my neighbors are a little worse than yours. Nothings come of it yet, except for the high bill. Pretty hilarious though.
Glad to know I'm not the only one getting letters like that.


Well-Known Member
people also forget that with a small grow your power usage wont be noticeable really. You gotta figure the average coffee pot uses about 900watts or so. the average computer tower (not including monitor) uses about 450watts. and I think if your using more power than that, then you probably can afford to go solar. And you probly should, cuz if you lose power, and your growing that big, you have a huge loss to contend with.

I dont feel as if I ever have to explain my actions to any other human being, but if you are looking for one, im up from 6 to 6 and drink coffee all day....