I am using smart pots, but after reading reviews, forums, and this article found here:
it seems that the smart pots are the oldest and least satisfactory of it's inventors creations in the field of root pruning.
So in the end if I had to choose between which ones to use for my next grow, I would choose the air pots over the smart pots possibly, however remember that I still never tried any form of air pruning other than one time experience with smart pots. And also continue to remember that the smart pots seem to be more reliable in regards to cutting down on mess, and in regards to RO. And finally smart pots are superior in regards to being able to get away with watering less often.
So then why would I recommend Air Pots over Smart Pots? Because in comparison side by side after comparison the air pot seems to give better growing results and better root development.
I would like to point something interesting out, and after pointing it out I would like to know what your opinions are.
I would like to point out that it is very odd to me to see people comparing only two forms of air pruning when a couple more seem to have been invented and seem to be available. If you look at the article and the products in it it mentions 4 or more types of air pruning containers, meanwhile many people seem only discuss the two known as air pots and smart pots. Are we as consumers who visit these forums therefore to assume that these other pots do not matter? That these other pots are not good enough? Please someone share your knowledge or opinion after checking out all the products, because until proven or discussed about otherwise for all we all know we are sitting here in these forums discussing inferior pots when their could be similar and better ones that are written about and never widely talked about.
And lastly my final question is this: If everyone seems to want the best air pruning which seems to be the air pot but at the same time everyone wants the smart pot convenience of less mess, less watering, watering through the bottom up and on the sides of the fabric with RO, and that didn't have to be made DIY, then instead of debating which pot to get can't we just get the pot that combines the too right here:
According to the picture shown on the page from the link above, it seems that you get the best of both worlds, can have your cake and eat it too. It seems to be similar to the form of the air pot, and should be as good if not better, since the fabric part inside should do as it says in the description and that is provide shade to the roots as they grow and prune in to the hole.
And since it has fabric even if it is an amazingly thin amount according to the perception the image seems to give, it seems that with it there the whole pot would need less watering, and would be able to do RO. And even if the fabric does something like tear it really wont be that big of a deal because some fabric is still at least very good in comparison to not any fabric, and even if all the fabric eventually wore off then you could still use it as an air pot right?
Has anyone tried these other pots?
it seems that the smart pots are the oldest and least satisfactory of it's inventors creations in the field of root pruning.
So in the end if I had to choose between which ones to use for my next grow, I would choose the air pots over the smart pots possibly, however remember that I still never tried any form of air pruning other than one time experience with smart pots. And also continue to remember that the smart pots seem to be more reliable in regards to cutting down on mess, and in regards to RO. And finally smart pots are superior in regards to being able to get away with watering less often.
So then why would I recommend Air Pots over Smart Pots? Because in comparison side by side after comparison the air pot seems to give better growing results and better root development.
I would like to point something interesting out, and after pointing it out I would like to know what your opinions are.
I would like to point out that it is very odd to me to see people comparing only two forms of air pruning when a couple more seem to have been invented and seem to be available. If you look at the article and the products in it it mentions 4 or more types of air pruning containers, meanwhile many people seem only discuss the two known as air pots and smart pots. Are we as consumers who visit these forums therefore to assume that these other pots do not matter? That these other pots are not good enough? Please someone share your knowledge or opinion after checking out all the products, because until proven or discussed about otherwise for all we all know we are sitting here in these forums discussing inferior pots when their could be similar and better ones that are written about and never widely talked about.
And lastly my final question is this: If everyone seems to want the best air pruning which seems to be the air pot but at the same time everyone wants the smart pot convenience of less mess, less watering, watering through the bottom up and on the sides of the fabric with RO, and that didn't have to be made DIY, then instead of debating which pot to get can't we just get the pot that combines the too right here:
According to the picture shown on the page from the link above, it seems that you get the best of both worlds, can have your cake and eat it too. It seems to be similar to the form of the air pot, and should be as good if not better, since the fabric part inside should do as it says in the description and that is provide shade to the roots as they grow and prune in to the hole.
And since it has fabric even if it is an amazingly thin amount according to the perception the image seems to give, it seems that with it there the whole pot would need less watering, and would be able to do RO. And even if the fabric does something like tear it really wont be that big of a deal because some fabric is still at least very good in comparison to not any fabric, and even if all the fabric eventually wore off then you could still use it as an air pot right?
Has anyone tried these other pots?