smartest place to plant...?

new birth

New Member
i dont know what to do, i have access to a nice 7 anchor peice of farmland with a creek running through it and am planning on planting like 5 - 10 plants. i don know if i should plant on this property and put this friend of mine at risk ( she has no problem cause shes getting a share but if she would get busted id still be fucked because of other complicating issues) or put it just outside of the property line cause that way, can cops pin anything on you other than other miscelanious evidence ?

Thanks ...


Well-Known Member
If it's farmland with wooded areas to then any1 could plant there..deny it til the end. They will more likely then not just pull the plants and like I said if they ask just deny it and it will be done with.

new birth

New Member
Thats a problem then there is no woods, so it would be out of sight behind a barn but out in the open to any one like inspecting the area for whatever reason, utility, nosy neighbors and whatnot...



Well-Known Member
lay them ladies down. if your scared to grow on the land,,,, dont. youll be jumpy as hell for the next few months at best.
youve got a creak, use that. walk up and down it a few miles and just drop seeds of on the way 2 or 5 at a time. make sure to stay above the flood line by a few feet, and just let them grow. dont go back and give them ferts or anything. you want 5 to 10 plants to harvest? plant 50 to 100 seeds and just let nature take its course. the buds wont be huge on every plant but youll have alot more to fall back on. say you lose 5 plants to deer, 5 to flooding, 5 to heat, 5 to being to dry, 5 to some kids that find a garden, ect ect. youll end up with alot less than what you plant, but you pop the seed in the dirt and go back and harvest. thats it 2 or 3 days work for a crop of more than the 10 you wanted to plant. and by not going back and checking on things you wont have trails or ppl noticing you luggin around ferts in the creek.

new birth

New Member
i havnt really insepected the creek fully yet but if i were to plant it would probly be in one generall area becasue vegitation is high, green nobody, in certain areas plus i only have like 10 seeds, if i keep them low though the vegitation should cover them well( i herd of topping and training them to lean but im not sure whats best or if it matters), and i want to baby them to try to produce some good buds though if i had access to that many seeds i would definetly try it...



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well few issues.Your really jumpy already. You state youd be screwed if found on her land so I assume shed tell which is an issue as she sounds not to hard assed.Outside "babing" plants is hard as you dont want to visit them often and when you do late nights are best.Dont group them 1 here 1 there spread them. And if your to nervous now dont do it.Gotta handle stress good to do it.